pass from one to another

pass from one to another
index circulate

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • pass — [c]/pas / (say pahs) verb (passed or, Rare, past, passing) –verb (t) 1. to go by or move past (something). 2. to go by without acting upon or noticing; leave unmentioned. 3. to omit payment of (a dividend, etc.). 4. to go or get through (a… …  

  • pass — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French passer, from Vulgar Latin *passare, from Latin passus step more at pace Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. move, proceed, go 2. a. to go away ; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Pass (ice hockey) — In ice hockey, a pass is the movement of the puck from one player to another, usually by a motion of the stick. A pass differs from a shot, in that a pass is typically weaker than a shot and is not directed at the opponent s net with the… …   Wikipedia

  • pass — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gap, gorge; way, opening, notch, defile, passage; free ticket; crisis, predicament, condition,circumstance; leave [of absence]; slang, advance. See love. v. go through or by, bypass; get a passing… …   English dictionary for students

  • pass — I n. permission leave of absence 1) to issue a pass 2) to cancel, revoke a pass 3) a pass to (we got a pass to town) 4) on pass (they are in the city on pass) flight 5) to make a pass (over a target) aggressive attempt to become friendly 6) to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • another — determiner, pronoun 1 used to refer to one more person or thing of the same kind: Can you pass me another mug? | I m going to have another beer. | When you ve eaten that, you can have another one. | I can t find that pencil you ve just given me.… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pass around — {v. phr.} To circulate from one to another; distribute something among a group of people. * /Why doesn t he pass around the appetizers to the guests?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pass around — {v. phr.} To circulate from one to another; distribute something among a group of people. * /Why doesn t he pass around the appetizers to the guests?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pass\ around — v. phr. To circulate from one to another; distribute something among a group of people. Why doesn t he pass around the appetizers to the guests? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • PASS — vi 1 a: to issue a decision, verdict, or opinion the Supreme Court pass ed on a statute b: to be legally issued judgment pass ed by default 2: to go from the control, ownership, or possession of one person or group to that of …   Law dictionary

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