
I verb abide, be determined, be obstinate, be resolute, be steadfast, be steady, be tenacious, be unyielding, bide, carry on, cling to, continue, drag on, endure, go forward, go on, hold fast, hold on, hold out, insist, keep at, keep on, last, linger, live on, maintain, make headway, never cease, outlast, perdure, persevere, persistere, perstare, plod, plug away, prevail, progress, pursue relentlessly, refuse to give up, remain, remain unchanged, stay, stick to, survive, sustain, take no denial, toil unceasingly, work unceasingly, work unflaggingly II index continue (persevere), endure (last), exist, hold out (resist), insist, keep (continue), last, maintain (carry on), persevere, prosecute (carry forward), pursue (carry on), recur, remain (continue), repeat (do again), resist (withstand), stay (continue), subsist

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Persist — Per*sist , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Persisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Persisting}.] [L. persistere; per + sistere to stand or be fixed, fr. stare to stand: cf. F. persister. See {Per }, and {Stand}.] To stand firm; to be fixed and unmoved; to stay; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • persist in — index adhere (persist), bear (tolerate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • persist — 1530s, from M.Fr. persister (14c.), from L. persistere continue steadfastly, from per thoroughly + sistere come to stand, cause to stand still (see ASSIST (Cf. assist)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • persist — 1 *persevere Antonyms: desist Contrasted words: discontinue, cease, *stop, quit 2 *continue, last, endure, abide Antonyms: desist Contrasted words: *stop, cease, discont …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • persist — [v] carry on, carry through abide, be resolute, be stubborn, continue, endure, follow through*, follow up*, go all the way*, go on, go the limit*, grind, hold on, insist, keep up*, last, leave no stone unturned*, linger, obtain, perdure,… …   New thesaurus

  • persist — ► VERB 1) continue doing something in spite of difficulty or opposition. 2) continue to exist. ORIGIN Latin persistere continue steadfastly …   English terms dictionary

  • persist — [pər sist′, pərzist′] vi. [MFr persister < L persistere < per, through + sistere, to cause to stand, redupl. of base of stare, to STAND] 1. to refuse to give up, esp. when faced with opposition or difficulty; continue firmly or steadily 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • Persist — Infobox Software name = Persist logo= caption = developer = latest release version = latest release date = operating system = Cross platform genre = Persistence Framework license = GNU Lesser General Public License website =… …   Wikipedia

  • persist */*/ — UK [pə(r)ˈsɪst] / US [pərˈsɪst] verb [intransitive] Word forms persist : present tense I/you/we/they persist he/she/it persists present participle persisting past tense persisted past participle persisted 1) to continue to do or say something in… …   English dictionary

  • persist — verb 1 continue doing sth ADVERB ▪ doggedly, stubbornly PREPOSITION ▪ in ▪ If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you. ▪ with …   Collocations dictionary

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