
I verb allocate, allot, arrange, assort, bracket, break down, catalogue, categorize, class, collocate, divide, docket, file, form into classes, grade, group, index, label, list, methodize, name, order, organize, place, place in a category, put in order, rank, rate, reduce to order, section, sort, subdivide, subsume, systematize, tabulate, tag, ticket, type II index classify, defer (put off), file (arrange), hold up (delay), partition, postpone, procrastinate, set aside (reserve)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Pigeonhole — may refer to:*Pigeonholes, nesting spaces formed in a dovecote (also spelt dovecot or doocot ) *Pigeonhole, one of the boxes in a pigeon coop *Pigeonhole principle, a mathematical principle *Pigeonhole sort, a sorting algorithm *Pigeonhole… …   Wikipedia

  • Pigeonhole — Pi geon*hole , v. t. To place in the pigeonhole of a case or cabinet; hence, to put away; to lay aside indefinitely; as, to pigeonhole a letter or a report. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pigeonhole — [n] compartment box, carrel, chamber, corner, cranny, cubbyhole, cubicle, hole, niche, nook, place, pocket, recess, section, slot, stall; concept 434 pigeonhole [v] categorize; shelve assort, class, classify, defer, delay, dismiss, file, group,… …   New thesaurus

  • pigeonhole — [pij′ən hōl΄] n. 1. a small recess or hole for pigeons to nest in, usually in a compartmented structure 2. a small open compartment, as in a desk, for filing papers vt. pigeonholed, pigeonholing 1. to put in the pigeonhole of a desk, etc. 2. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Pigeonhole — Pi geon*hole , n. A small compartment in a desk or case for the keeping of letters, documents, etc.; so called from the resemblance of a row of them to the compartments in a dovecote. Burke. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pigeonhole — (n.) also pigeon hole, 1570s, a small recess for pigeons to nest in, from PIGEON (Cf. pigeon) + HOLE (Cf. hole) (n.). The verb sense of label mentally is from 1854. [Y]ou will have an inspector after you with note book and ink horn, and you will… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pigeonhole — *assort, sort, classify Analogous words: systematize, methodize, organize, arrange, *order …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • pigeonhole — One opening or section for sorting mail into a distribution case …   Glossary of postal terms

  • pigeonhole — ► NOUN 1) a small recess for a domestic pigeon to nest in. 2) each of a set of small compartments where letters or messages may be left for individuals. 3) a category to which someone or something is assigned. ► VERB ▪ assign to a particular… …   English terms dictionary

  • pigeonhole — ▪ I. pigeonhole pi‧geon‧hole 1 [ˈpɪdʒnhəʊl ǁ hoʊl] verb [transitive] to consider a person, activity etc as belonging to a particular type or group, in a way that is too simple and therefore unfair; = LABEL: • Electronic books and multimedia had… …   Financial and business terms

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