place of jurisdiction

place of jurisdiction
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Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • jurisdiction — ju·ris·dic·tion /ˌju̇r əs dik shən/ n [Latin jurisdictio, from juris, genitive of jus law + dictio act of saying, from dicere to say] 1: the power, right, or authority to interpret, apply, and declare the law (as by rendering a decision) to be… …   Law dictionary

  • Jurisdiction — Ju ris*dic tion, n. [L. jurisdictio; jus, juris, right, law + dictio a saying, speaking: cf. OF. jurisdiction, F. juridiction. See {Just}, a., and {Diction}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Law) The legal power, right, or authority of a particular court to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Place of the Relevant Intermediary Approach — The Place of the Relevant Intermediary Approach, or PRIMA, is a conflict of laws rule applied to the proprietary aspects of security transactions, especially collateral transactions. It is an alternative approach to the historically important… …   Wikipedia

  • Place (United States Census Bureau) — The United States Census Bureau defines the term place as a concentration of population. The types of places defined by the Census Bureau are incorporated place, such as a city, town or village, and census designated place (CDP), which resembles… …   Wikipedia

  • jurisdiction — A term used in two senses as it applies to a court: (1) In a general sense, the abstract right of a court to exercise its powers in causes of a certain class; (2) in a particular sense, the right of a tribunal to exercise its power with respect… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • place of business — The location at which one carries on his business or employment. Under many state statutes, service of process may be made at one s place of business and jurisdiction may be acquired by a court whose territorial district includes one s place of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurisdiction — Synonyms and related words: accountability, acme, actionability, administration, agency, agentship, ambit, applicability, area, arena, ascendancy, assignment, auspices, authority, authorization, bailiwick, be all and end all, beat, blue ribbon,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Diversity jurisdiction — United States Federal Civil Procedure Doctrines Justiciability Advisory …   Wikipedia

  • Summary jurisdiction — Summary jurisdiction, in the widest sense of the phrase, in English law includes the power asserted by courts of record to deal brevi manu with contempts of court without the intervention of a jury. Probably the power was originally exercisable… …   Wikipedia

  • Criminal jurisdiction — is a term used in constitutional law and public law to describe the power of courts to hear a case brought by a state accusing a defendant of the commission of a crime. It is relevant in three distinct situations: to regulate the relationship… …   Wikipedia

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