
I (covertly place) verb bury, cache, camouflage, cloak, cover up, disguise, hide away, keep clandestine, keep hidden, keep secret, mantle, mask, obscure, put in concealment, put out of sight, render invisible, screen, secrete, shade, shroud, veil, wrap associated concepts: entrapment II (place firmly) verb base, bed, deposit, embed, engraft, ensconce, establish, fix, ground, implant, impregnate, infix, inject, inlay, insert, inset, install, instill, lay the foundation, locate, make a place for, place, put, root, set, set firmly, set up, settle, situate, sow, station, stick in, thrust in III index deposit (place), embed, engender, establish (entrench), fix (make firm), frame up, inculcate, initiate, inseminate, insertion, instate, repose (place)

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  • plant — [ plɑ̃ ] n. m. • XIVe « action de planter »; de planter 1 ♦ Techn. Ensemble de végétaux de même espèce plantés dans un même terrain; le terrain ainsi planté. ⇒ pépinière, planche, plantation. Un plant d arbres, de rosiers. Acheter des plants chez …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Plant — Plant, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Planted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Planting}.] [AS. plantian, L. plantare. See {Plant}, n.] 1. To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize. [1913 Webster] 2. To set in the ground for growth, as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plant — Plant, n. [AS. plante, L. planta.] 1. A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plant — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: David Plant (1783–1851), US amerikanischer Rechtsanwalt, Richter und Politiker Henry Bradley Plant (1819–1899), amerikanischer Eisenbahnmagnat Jane A. Plant (* 1945), britische Geochemikerin und Autorin… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plant — Plant. s. m. Le sçion qu on tire d un arbre pour planter. Je voudrois bien avoir du plant de cet arbre là. plant de vigne. eslever du plant. En parlant de vigne, on appelle, Jeune plant, nouveau plant, Les vignes nouvellement plantées …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • plant — ► NOUN 1) a living organism (such as a tree, grass, or fern) that absorbs water and inorganic substances through its roots and makes nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis. 2) a place where an industrial or manufacturing process takes place.… …   English terms dictionary

  • plant — [n1] organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom annual, biennial, bush, creeper*, cutting*, flower, grass, greenery, herb, perennial, seedling, shoot, shrub, slip, sprout, tree, vine, weed; concept 429 Ant. animal plant [n2] factory and its… …   New thesaurus

  • plant — Plant, m. Est un dessein en assiete sur rez de chaussée d un bastiment qu on veut eslever, Ichnographia, Ainsi Plant aussi se prend pour le fondement d un bastiment soit de pierre soit de bois, comme le plant et assiete du bauffroy est de telle… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • plant — [plant, plänt] n. [ME plante < OE < L planta, sprout, twig, prob. back form. < plantare, to smooth the soil for planting < planta, sole of the foot < IE * plat , var. of base * pla , broad, flat > PLAIN1] 1. any of a kingdom… …   English World dictionary

  • plant up — ˌplant ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they plant up he/she/it plants up present participle planting up past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Plant 42 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Planta 42 de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos (del inglés: United States Air Force Plant 42 (AFP 42)) es una instalación militar aeroespacial de propiedad federal y está bajo control del Comando Material… …   Wikipedia Español

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