- plebiscite
ballot, choice, election, mandate, poll, referendum, vote
election (selection by vote), poll (casting of votes), referendum
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
plébiscite — [ plebisit ] n. m. • 1355; lat. plebiscitum, proprt « décision du peuple » 1 ♦ Antiq. Décision, loi votée par l assemblée de la plèbe. 2 ♦ Vieilli Vote direct du corps électoral par oui ou par non, sur une question qu on lui soumet. ⇒ référendum … Encyclopédie Universelle
Plebiscite — Plébiscite Un plébiscite (du latin plebs (qui renvoie au français plèbe), et scitum (signifiant décision), selon un système analogue à la décision prise par les concilia plebis = assemblée de la plèbe) est une consultation sur le désir d une… … Wikipédia en Français
Plebiscite — Pleb i*scite, n. [F. pl[ e]biscite, fr. L. plebiscitum.] A vote by universal male suffrage; especially, in France, a popular vote, as first sanctioned by the National Constitution of 1791. [Written also {plebiscit}.] [1913 Webster] Plebiscite we… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plebiscite — direct vote of the people, 1860 (originally in reference to Italian unification), from Fr. plébiscite (1776 in modern sense), from L. plebiscitum a decree or resolution of the people, from plebs (gen. plebis) the common people + scitum decree,… … Etymology dictionary
plebiscite — plebiscite, referendum Plebiscite is pronounced pleb i sit in BrE and usually pleb i siyt in AmE. The term is most commonly used of a direct vote of a State s electors on a fundamental matter, and is not used with reference to the UK. A… … Modern English usage
plebiscite — ► NOUN 1) the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question. 2) (in ancient Rome) a law enacted by the plebeians assembly. DERIVATIVES plebiscitary adjective. ORIGIN French plébiscite, from Latin plebs the common … English terms dictionary
plebiscite — [pleb′ə sīt΄] n. [Fr plébiscite < L plebiscitum < plebs, PLEBS + scitum, decree, neut. pp. of scire, to know: see SCIENCE] an expression of the people s will by direct ballot on a political issue, as in choosing between independent… … English World dictionary
plebiscite — *mandate, initiative, referendum … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Plébiscite — Un plébiscite (du latin plebs, qui renvoie au français « plèbe », et scitum, signifiant « décision », selon un système analogue à la décision prise par les concilia plebis : « assemblée de la plèbe ») est une… … Wikipédia en Français
plebiscite — n. 1) to conduct, hold a plebiscite 2) a plebiscite to + inf. (a plebiscite to determine the status of a territory) * * * [ plebɪs(a)ɪt] hold a plebiscite to conduct a plebiscite to + inf. (a plebiscite to determine the status of a territory) … Combinatory dictionary