possess authority
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Authority — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Authority >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 authority authority Sgm: N 1 influence influence patronage power preponderance credit prestige prerogative jurisdiction Sgm: N 1 right right … English dictionary for students
authority — noun 1 (often authorities) people with responsibility for making decisions ADJECTIVE ▪ central, district, federal, local, municipal, regional ▪ government, pu … Collocations dictionary
possess — verb Possess is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ability, ↑acumen, ↑asset, ↑attribute, ↑authority, ↑capability, ↑capacity, ↑characteristic, ↑charm, ↑dignity, ↑firearm, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
implied authority — The actual authority of an agent, circumstantially proved, which the principal is deemed to have actually intended the agent to possess; authority of an agent arising independently of any express grant of authority, as from some manifestation by… … Ballentine's law dictionary
wield authority — Synonyms and related words: administer, administrate, be master, captain, carry authority, chair, command, control, crack the whip, direct, discipline, dominate, govern, have clout, have power, have the power, have the right, have the say, head,… … Moby Thesaurus
Prescriptive authority for psychologists movement — The Prescriptive authority for psychologists (RxP) movement is a political effort to give prescriptive authority to clinical psychologists, enabling them to prescribe psychotropic medications to treat mental and emotional disorders. Prior to RxP… … Wikipedia
Guy Montag Doe v. San Francisco Housing Authority — is a lawsuit filed by the National Rifle Association the day after the United States Supreme Court decided in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual s right to possess a… … Wikipedia
The Authority — Infobox comics organization imagebox= caption=The Authority, as featured on the cover for the Under New Management trade paperback. Art by Frank Quitely, 2000 publisher=Wildstorm debut= The Authority #1 creators=Warren Ellis Bryan Hitch base=The… … Wikipedia
Appeal to authority — An appeal to authority or argument by authority is a type of argument in logic called a fallacy. It bases the truth value of an assertion on the authority, knowledge, expertise, or position of the person asserting it. It is also known as argument … Wikipedia
Chicago Housing Authority Police Department — Chicago Housing Authority Police patch The Chicago Housing Authority Police Department, also known as the CHAPD, was created as a supplement to the Chicago Police Department (the CPD), to provide dedicated police services to the residents of one… … Wikipedia