pre warning
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pre|mon|ish — «pree MON ihsh», transitive verb. to advise; caution; forewarn. –v.i. to give warning beforehand. ╂[< pre + (ad)monish] … Useful english dictionary
pre|cip|i|ta|tion — «prih SIHP uh TAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act or condition of precipitating; throwing down or falling headlong: »the tragic precipitation of the climbers over the side of the mountain. 2. the action of hastening or hurrying. 3. Figurative. the act… … Useful english dictionary
pre|mo|ni|tion — «PREE muh NIHSH uhn, PREHM uh », noun. a notification or warning of what is to come; forewarning: »a vague premonition of disaster. ╂[< Middle French premonicion, learned borrowing from Latin praemonitiō, ōnis < praemonēre < prae before… … Useful english dictionary
pre|mon|i|to|ry — «prih MON uh TR ee, TOHR », adjective. giving warning beforehand … Useful english dictionary
Pre-1970 Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone seasons — The Pre 1970 Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone seasons ran year round from July 1 to June 30, reaching their peaks mid February to early March. Southern Hemisphere Cyclone Seasons Pre 1970 1970–75 1975–80 1980–1985 Contents 1 Pre 1910 storms … Wikipedia
pre|sag´ing|ly — pres|age «noun. PREHS ihj; verb. prih SAYJ», noun, verb, pre|saged, pre|sag|ing. –n. 1. a sign felt as a warning; omen. 2. a feeling that something is about to happen; presentiment; … Useful english dictionary
pre|sag´er — pres|age «noun. PREHS ihj; verb. prih SAYJ», noun, verb, pre|saged, pre|sag|ing. –n. 1. a sign felt as a warning; omen. 2. a feeling that something is about to happen; presentiment; … Useful english dictionary
pre-Columbian civilizations — Introduction the aboriginal American Indian (Mesoamerican Indian) cultures that evolved in Meso America (part of Mexico and Central America) and the Andean region (western South America) prior to Spanish exploration and conquest in the 16th … Universalium
pre-empt — [[t]priː e̱mpt[/t]] pre empts, pre empting, pre empted VERB If you pre empt an action, you prevent it from happening by doing something which makes it unnecessary or impossible. [V n] You can pre empt pain by taking a painkiller at the first… … English dictionary
pre-emptive — unprovoked and without warning Used of warfare or violence. Pre emption is buying first, whence denying the purchase to others. In the phrases pre emptive strike and preemptive offensive: It would be important... for the forces of the… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms