prefer charges
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prefer charges (against someone) — legal phrase to officially accuse someone of a crime The alleged victim said she did not wish to prefer charges. Thesaurus: to accuse someone of a crimesynonym police officershyponym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
prefer charges against somebody — bring/press/prefer ˈcharges against sb idiom (law) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court Main entry: ↑chargeidiom … Useful english dictionary
prefer charges — Synonyms and related words: accuse, allege, arraign, article, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, charge, cite, complain, denounce, denunciate, fasten on, fasten upon, file a claim, finger, hang something on, have up, impeach,… … Moby Thesaurus
prefer charges — idi law to make or place an accusation of misconduct, wrongdoing, etc., against another … From formal English to slang
press (or prefer) charges — accuse someone formally of a crime so that they can be brought to trial. → charge … English new terms dictionary
prefer — pre·fer /pri fər/ vt pre·ferred, pre·fer·ring 1: to give (a creditor or debt) priority or preference any preferred charges such as child support or alimony In re Smiley, 427 P.2d 179 (1967) 2: to bring forward for determination; esp: to bring (a… … Law dictionary
prefer — [prē fʉr′, prifʉr′] vt. preferred, preferring [ME preferren < MFr preferer < L praeferre, to place before < prae , PRE + ferre, BEAR1] 1. to put before someone else in rank, office, etc.; promote; advance 2. to put before a magistrate,… … English World dictionary
prefer — v. 1) (D; tr.) ( to bring ) to prefer against (to prefer charges against smb.) 2) (D; tr.) to prefer to (she prefers fish to meat) 3) (E) we prefer to remain at home 4) (G) I preferred going to a concert 5) (esp. BE) (H; no passive) I d prefer… … Combinatory dictionary
prefer */*/*/ — UK [prɪˈfɜː(r)] / US [prɪˈfɜr] verb [transitive] Word forms prefer : present tense I/you/we/they prefer he/she/it prefers present participle preferring past tense preferred past participle preferred [never progressive] to like or want someone or… … English dictionary
prefer — /prəˈfɜ / (say pruh fer) verb (t) (preferred, preferring) 1. to set or hold before or above other persons or things in estimation; like better; choose rather: to prefer films to books. 2. Law to give priority, as to one creditor over another. 3.… …