prevail upon — / prevail on [v] persuade, influence affect, argue into, bring around, convince, crack, dispose, draw, get, get around, impress, incline, induce, promote, prompt, put across, ram down throat*, sell*, suck in*, sway, talk into, win over; concept… … New thesaurus
prevail upon — phrasal verb prevail on or prevail upon [transitive] Word forms prevail on : present tense I/you/we/they prevail on he/she/it prevails on present participle prevailing on past tense prevailed on past participle prevailed on formal prevail on/upon … English dictionary
prevail upon sb — UK US prevail upon/on sb Phrasal Verb with prevail({{}}/prɪˈveɪl/ verb [I] ► FORMAL to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do: »They finally prevailed on him to hand in his resignation … Financial and business terms
prevail upon — verb To convince; to persuade. Perhaps I can prevail upon him to change his mind … Wiktionary
prevail\ upon — • prevail (up)on v To bring to an act or belief; cause a change in; persuade. He prevailed upon the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker. He prevailed upon me to believe in his innocence … Словарь американских идиом
prevail upon — pre ˈvail on pre ˈvail up ˌon [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they prevail on he/she/it prevails on pre … Useful english dictionary
prevail upon — or[prevail on] {v.} To bring to an act or belief; cause a change in; persuade. * /He prevailed upon the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker./ * /He prevailed upon me to believe in his innocence./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prevail upon — or[prevail on] {v.} To bring to an act or belief; cause a change in; persuade. * /He prevailed upon the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker./ * /He prevailed upon me to believe in his innocence./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prevail upon — Synonyms and related words: argue into, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, captivate, charm, con, convince, draw over, gain, gain over, hook, hook in, outtalk, persuade, prevail on, prevail with, sell, sell one on, sway, talk into, talk… … Moby Thesaurus
prevail upon — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. convince, sway, persuade; see influence . II prevail (up)on (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way: argue into, bring, bring around (or round), convince, get, induce, persuade,… … English dictionary for students