proof legally presented at trial
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proof — The effect of evidence; the establishment of a fact by evidence. New England Newspaper Pub. Co. v. Bonner, C.C.A.Mass., 77 F.2d 915, 916. Any fact or circumstance which leads the mind to the affirmative or negative of any proposition. The… … Black's law dictionary
Proof — • The establishment of a disputed or controverted matter by lawful means or arguments. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Proof Proof … Catholic encyclopedia
evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish … Law dictionary
Legal burden of proof — This article is about the burden of proof in law. For other uses, see Burden of proof (disambiguation). The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the obligation to shift the accepted conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one s own… … Wikipedia
procedural law — Law that prescribes the procedures and methods for enforcing rights and duties and for obtaining redress (e.g., in a suit). It is distinguished from substantive law (i.e., law that creates, defines, or regulates rights and duties). Procedural law … Universalium
evidence — Any species of proof, or probative matter, legally presented at the trial of an issue, by the act of the parties and through the medium of witnesses, records, documents, exhibits, concrete objects, etc., for the purpose of inducing belief in the… … Black's law dictionary
evidence — Any species of proof, or probative matter, legally presented at the trial of an issue, by the act of the parties and through the medium of witnesses, records, documents, exhibits, concrete objects, etc., for the purpose of inducing belief in the… … Black's law dictionary
prima facie — pri·ma fa·cie 1 / prī mə fā shə, sē, shē/ adv [Latin]: at first view: on first appearance absent other information or evidence guidelines which would prima facie accredit new entrance examinations as nondiscriminatory S. L. Lynch compare ex facie … Law dictionary
Scientific jury selection — Scientific jury selection, often abbreviated SJS, is the use of social science techniques and expertise to choose favorable juries during a criminal or civil trial. Scientific jury selection is used during the jury selection phase of the trial… … Wikipedia
police — /peuh lees /, n., v., policed, policing. n. 1. Also called police force. an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. 2. (used with a pl. v.) members of such a force: Several police are… … Universalium