proof of absence

proof of absence
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  • absence — /ab seuhns/, n. 1. state of being away or not being present: I acted as supervisor in his absence. Your absence was noted on the records. 2. period of being away: an absence of several weeks. 3. failure to attend or appear when expected. 4. lack; …   Universalium

  • absence — /ˈæbsəns/ (say absuhns) noun 1. a state of being away: speak ill of no one in their absence. 2. a period of being away: an absence of several weeks. 3. lack; non existence: the absence of proof. –phrase 4. absence of mind, inattention or… …  

  • absence — ab•sence [[t]ˈæb səns[/t]] n. 1) the state of being away or not being present 2) a period of being away: an absence of several weeks[/ex] 3) failure to attend or appear when expected 4) lack; deficiency: the absence of proof[/ex] 5)… …   From formal English to slang

  • absence of proof — lack of evidence …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Evidence of absence — Not to be confused with absence of evidence. An empty field. If our hypothesis was that elephants would be present, we do not merely lack evidence, but instead possess evidence of absence. Evidence of absence is evidence of any kind that suggests …   Wikipedia

  • Artist's proof — An artist s proof is, at least in theory, an impression of a print taken in the printmaking process to see the current printing state of a plate while the plate (or stone, or woodblock...) is being worked on by the artist. A proof may show a… …   Wikipedia

  • satisfactory proof — Convincing evidence. Sufficient evidence. Evidence such as to satisfy an unprejudiced mind of the truth. 30 Am J2d Ev § 1080. To be satisfied of the truth of anything implies the absence of a reasonable doubt, but it does not imply the absence of …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Pectoralis muscle absence with syndactyly — A unique pattern of one sided malformations characterized by a defect of the chest (pectoralis) muscle on one side of the body and webbing of the fingers (cutaneous syndactyly) of the ipsilateral hand (the hand on the same side). Often called… …   Medical dictionary

  • alibi — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n., informal, excuse (See vindication). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A legal defense] Syn. proof of absence, plea, explanation, defense, declaration, statement, case, defense of being elsewhere, allegation,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Hill fort — Maiden Castle in England is one of the largest hill forts in Europe.[1][2] Photograph taken in 1935 by Major George Allen (1891–1940). A hill fort is a type of …   Wikipedia

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