quarrel over
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over — [ō′vər] prep. [ME ouer < OE ofer, akin to Ger über, ober < IE * uper (orig. a compar. of * upo, up) > L super, Gr hyper] 1. a) in, at, or to a position up from; higher than; above [a canopy over the bed, in water over his knees] b) on… … English World dictionary
quarrel — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bitter, serious, violent ▪ family, internal, lovers ▪ personal, private … Collocations dictionary
quarrel — I n. 1) to cause, lead to a quarrel (their political differences led to a bitter quarrel) 2) to have, pick, provoke, start a quarrel (he picked a quarrel with his neighbor) 3) to patch up, settle a quarrel 4) a bitter, furious, violent; long… … Combinatory dictionary
quarrel — 1. noun they had a quarrel about money Syn: argument, disagreement, squabble, fight, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud, contretemps, disputation, falling out, war of words, shouting match; informal tiff, run in, hassle, blowup … Thesaurus of popular words
quarrel — Synonyms and related words: Kilkenny cats, action, aerial combat, affray, altercate, altercation, argue, argument, armored combat, arrow, arrowhead, barb, barney, battle, battle royal, beef, bicker, bicker over, bickering, blood feud, bobbery,… … Moby Thesaurus
quarrel — 1. noun they had a quarrel Syn: argument, disagreement, squabble, fight, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud; informal tiff, slanging match, run in; Brit.; informal row, bust up Ant: agreement … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
over — /oh veuhr/, prep. 1. above in place or position: the roof over one s head. 2. above and to the other side of: to leap over a wall. 3. above in authority, rank, power, etc., so as to govern, control, or have jurisdiction regarding: There is no one … Universalium
over — /ˈoʊvə / (say ohvuh) preposition 1. above in place or position; higher up than: the roof over one s head. 2. above and to the other side of: to leap over a wall. 3. above in authority, power, etc.; so as to govern, control, or conquer. 4. on or… …
over — o•ver [[t]ˈoʊ vər[/t]] prep. 1) above in place or position: the roof over one s head[/ex] 2) above and to the other side of: to leap over a wall[/ex] 3) above in authority, rank, power, etc.: no one over her in the department[/ex] 4) so as to… … From formal English to slang
quarrel# — quarrel n Quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble, bickering, spat, tiff are comparable when they mean a dispute marked by anger or discord on both sides. The same distinctions in implications and connotations are found in their corresponding… … New Dictionary of Synonyms