chain of title

chain of title
chain of title: the succession of conveyances of the title to a particular item of real property (as a house)
The chain of title is usually stated or shown in an abstract of title.

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

chain of title
The history of ownership of a property, listed from the original owner to the present one.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

chain of title
The line of owners of real estate, stretching from the current owner back in time to the original grant from some government. The chain of title is shown by deeds, judgments in lawsuits over title, affidavits, and other documents showing ownership changes and recorded in the county land records office. An error in this chain of title is what title searches are supposed to find and what title insurance protects purchasers against.
Category: Real Estate & Rental PropertyBuying a House

Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

chain of title
n. The history of a parcel of real property or of a commercial paper from its original owner or issuer to its current owner or issuer, including all conveyances and owners in between. Any gap in the history casts doubt on the current owner's claim of title.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

chain of title
A list of successive owners of a parcel of land, beginning from the government, or original owner, to the person who currently owns the land.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

chain of title
A list of successive owners of a parcel of land, beginning from the government, or original owner, to the person who currently owns the land.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

chain of title
   the succession of title ownership to real property from the present owner back to the original owner at some distant time. Chains of title include notations of deeds, judgments of distribution from estates, certificates of death of a joint tenant, foreclosures, judgments of quiet title (lawsuit to prove one's right to property title) and other recorded transfers (conveyances) of title to real property. Usually title companies or abstractors are the professionals who search out the chain of title and provide a report so that a purchaser will be sure the title is clear of any claims.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Chain of title — A chain of title is the sequence of historical transfers of title to a property. The chain runs from the present owner back to the original owner of the property. In situations where documentation of ownership is important, it is often necessary… …   Wikipedia

  • Chain of Title — Die Chain of title, auch Rechtekette genannt, ist ein Begriff aus dem Filmrecht und beschreibt den lückenlosen Nachweis des Erwerbs der Rechte für Musik, Roman, Drehbuch etc. zur Verwendung innerhalb eines Filmstücks. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • chain of title — Another name for abstract of title. American Banker Glossary * * * chain of title ˌchain of ˈtitle noun chains of title PLURALFORM [countable usually singular] LAW PROPERTY the complete list of owners of a property over a period of time: • You… …   Financial and business terms

  • Chain Of Title — The official record of ownership of a property or asset. The chain of ownership gets its name from its sequential nature; a chain of title traces historical title transfers from the current owner back to the original owner. Due to their critical… …   Investment dictionary

  • Chain of title — Die Chain of title, auch Rechtekette genannt, ist ein Begriff aus dem Filmrecht und beschreibt den lückenlosen Nachweis des Erwerbs der Rechte für Musik, Roman, Drehbuch etc. zur Verwendung innerhalb eines Filmstücks. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • chain of title — the succession of conveyances from some accepted starting point whereby the present holder of real property derives his title * * * chain of title, a history tracing the successive transfers of ownership of real estate …   Useful english dictionary

  • chain of title — Record of successive conveyances, or other forms of alienation, affecting a particular parcel of land, arranged consecutively, from the government or original source of title down to the present holder. See abstract of title …   Black's law dictionary

  • chain of title — Record of successive conveyances, or other forms of alienation, affecting a particular parcel of land, arranged consecutively, from the government or original source of title down to the present holder. See abstract of title …   Black's law dictionary

  • chain of title — The successive conveyances and devolutions of title, commencing with the patent from the government or some other source and ending with the conveyance or devolution to the person claiming title presently. Capper v Poulsen, 321 Ill 480, 482, 152… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • chain of title — noun In the law of real property, a series of documents recorded in the appropriate government repository which establish the passage of a parcel of property from owner to owner, ideally back to the first owner to reduce the property to private… …   Wiktionary

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