qui facit
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qui facit per alium facit per se — See vicarious liability. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
Qui facit per alium facit per se — See also: Respondeat superior Qui facit per alium facit per se is a Latin legal term meaning, He who acts through another does the act himself. It is a fundamental maxim of agency. Stroman Motor Co. v Brown, 116 Okla 36, 243 P 133. A maxim often… … Wikipedia
qui facit per alium facit per se — foreign term Etymology: Latin he who does (something) through another does it through himself … New Collegiate Dictionary
qui facit id quod plus est, facit id quod minus est, bed non convertitur — /kway feysat id kwod plas est, feysat id kwod maynas est, sed non kanvartatar/ He who does that which is more does that which is less, but not vice versa … Black's law dictionary
qui facit per alium facit per se — /kway feysat par eyl(i)yam feysat par siy/ He who acts through another acts himself [i.e., the acts of an agent are the acts of the principal] … Black's law dictionary
Qui facit id quod plus est, facit id quod minus est, sed non convertitur — He who does that which is more does that which is less, but it cannot be turned around … Ballentine's law dictionary
Qui facit per alium facit per se — He who acts through another acts by or for himself. A fundamental maxim of agency. Stroman Motor Co. v Brown, 116 Okla 36, 243 P 133. A maxim often stated in discussing the liability of employer for the act of employee. 35 Am J1st M & S § 543. If … Ballentine's law dictionary
Facit AB — Création 1922 Disparition 1998 Siège s … Wikipédia en Français
qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam — /kway juriy s(y)uwow yuwtatar, nemanay feysat injuriyam/ He who uses his legal rights harms no one … Black's law dictionary
qui molitur insidias in patriam id facit quod insanus nauta perforans navem in qua vehitur — /kway molatar insidiyas in paetriyam id feysat kwod inseynas nota parfaraenz neyvam in kwey viy(h)atar/ He who betrays his country is like the insane sailor who bores a hole in the ship which carries him … Black's law dictionary