regard indulgently
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excuse — ex·cuse 1 /ik skyüz/ vb ex·cused, ex·cus·ing vt 1: to grant exemption or release to excused the prospective juror excused the witness after an hour of testimony 2 … Law dictionary
excuse — I. v. a. 1. Pardon, forgive, acquit, absolve, exculpate, exonerate. 2. Extenuate, justify, form or constitute an apology or excuse for. 3. Exempt, release, free, let off. 4. Overlook, regard indulgently, treat as venial. 5. [With self.] Clear,… … New dictionary of synonyms
smile at/on/upon — regard favourably or indulgently. → smile … English new terms dictionary
John Mitchel — (Irish: Seán Mistéil; b.November 3, 1815 ndash; d. March 20, 1875) was an Irish nationalist activist, solicitor and political journalist. Born in Camnish, near Dungiven, County Londonderry, Ireland he became a leading Member of both Young Ireland … Wikipedia
favor — n 1. kind act, good deed, kind deed, good turn, labor of love, courtesy, Fr. beau geste; blessing, boon, grace, grant, Theol. dispensation; benefaction, Archaic. benefit, Archaic. benignity, benevolence. 2. kindness, generosity, consideration,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Harmonium (poetry collection) — Harmonium is a book of poetry by U.S. poet Wallace Stevens. His first book, it was published in 1923 by Knopf in an edition of 1500 copies. He was in middle age at that time, forty four years old. The collection comprises 85 poems, ranging in… … Wikipedia
neglect — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Disregard Nouns 1. neglect, negligence, carelessness, heedlessness, thoughtlessness, dereliction, delinquency; omission, oversight, laches, default; benign neglect; rashness; procrastination. See… … English dictionary for students
Parables — • A comparison, or a parallel, by which one thing is used to illustrate another. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Parables Parables … Catholic encyclopedia
smile — verb 1》 form one s features into a pleased, friendly, or amused expression, with the corners of the mouth turned up. 2》 (smile at/on/upon) regard favourably or indulgently. noun a smiling expression. Derivatives smiler noun smiling adjective… … English new terms dictionary
smile — ► VERB 1) form one s features into a pleased, friendly, or amused expression, with the corners of the mouth turned up. 2) (smile at/on/upon) regard favourably or indulgently. ► NOUN ▪ an act of smiling; a smiling expression. ORIGIN perhaps… … English terms dictionary