relationship between persons
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relationship — [ri lā′shən ship΄] n. 1. the quality or state of being related; connection 2. connection by blood, marriage, etc.; kinship 3. a particular instance of being related 4. a continuing attachment or association between persons, firms, etc., specif.,… … English World dictionary
between — betweenness, n. /bi tween /, prep. 1. in the space separating (two points, objects, etc.): between New York and Chicago. 2. intermediate to, in time, quantity, or degree: between twelve and one o clock; between 50 and 60 apples; between pink and… … Universalium
between — be•tween [[t]bɪˈtwin[/t]] prep. 1) in the space separating: between New York and Chicago[/ex] 2) intermediate to in time, quantity, or degree: between twelve and one o clock[/ex] 3) linking; connecting: air service between cities[/ex] 4) in equal … From formal English to slang
relationship — /ri lay sheuhn ship /, n. 1. a connection, association, or involvement. 2. connection between persons by blood or marriage. 3. an emotional or other connection between people: the relationship between teachers and students. 4. a sexual… … Universalium
interpersonal relationship — relationship between persons, relations between individuals … English contemporary dictionary
relationship — re•la•tion•ship [[t]rɪˈleɪ ʃənˌʃɪp[/t]] n. 1) a connection, association, or involvement 2) connection between persons by blood or marriage; kinship 3) an emotional or other connection between people 4) cvb a romantic or sexual involvement •… … From formal English to slang
Relationship — • A certain connection of persons established either by nature or by civil or canon law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Relationship Relationship … Catholic encyclopedia
between — [bē twēn′, bitwēn′] prep. [ME bitwene < OE betweonum < be,BY + tweonum (dat. of * tweon); akin to Goth tweihnai, by twos, in pairs: for IE base see TWO] 1. in or through the space that separates (two things) [between the house and the… … English World dictionary
Same-sex relationship — Relationships Types … Wikipedia
joking relationship — ▪ sociology relationship between two individuals or groups that allows or requires unusually free verbal or physical interaction. The relationship may be mutual (symmetrical) or formalized in such a way that one person or group does the… … Universalium