
I adjective acrimonious, angry, bitter, bristling, choleric, churlish, discontented, displeased, distrustful, embittered, envious, furious, galled, grouchy, grudging, grumpy, huffy, hurt, ill-disposed, implacable, in a huff, in high dudgeon, indignant, infuriated, iracundus, jealous, malevolent, malicious, malignant, miffed, mistrustful, moody, offended, outraged, pained, peevish, piqued, querulous, resentive, revengeful, sore, spiteful, splenetic, sulky, sullen, surly, suspicious, touchy, umbrageous, unforgiving, up in arms, vengeful, venomous, vindictive, waspish II index bitter (reproachful), malevolent, malicious, malignant, restive, spiteful, vindictive

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • resentful — adjective Date: 1656 1. full of resentment ; inclined to resent < felt resentful of her success > 2. caused or marked by resentment < resentful anger > • resentfully adverb • resentfulness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • resentful — adjective feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair (+ of/at/about etc): His daughters became increasingly resentful of his authority. resentfully adverb resentfulness noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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