right note

right note
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  • hit the right note — hit/strike the right note if something you say or do hits the right note, it is suitable and has a good effect. He saw his remarks had struck the right note his friend was smiling now. The General s calm manner hit the right note of moderation,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • strike the right note — hit/strike the right note if something you say or do hits the right note, it is suitable and has a good effect. He saw his remarks had struck the right note his friend was smiling now. The General s calm manner hit the right note of moderation,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • hit the right note — I see note II hit (or strike) the right (or wrong) note say or do something in exactly the right (or wrong) way * * * hit/strike the right/wrong ˈnote idiom (especially BrE) to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hit the right note — If you hit the right note, you speak or act in a way that has a positive effect on people.( Strike the right note is also used.) …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • strike right note —    If you strike (or hit) the right note, you say or do something suitable or appropriate     He struck the right note with his future mother in law when he brought her a book on gardening her favourite hobby! …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • strike the right note —    If you strike or hit the right note, you say or do something suitable or appropriate.     He struck the right note with his future mother in law when he gave her a book on gardening her favourite hobby! …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • strike the right note — hit/strike the right/wrong ˈnote idiom (especially BrE) to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion • It is a bizarre tale and the author hits just the right note of horror and disbelief. Main entry: ↑noteidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • strike the right note — to say or do something that is suited to a particular occasion. Marjorie planned the party carefully because she wanted to strike the right note with her guests …   New idioms dictionary

  • hit the right note — ► hit the right (or wrong) note say or do something in the right (or wrong) way. Main Entry: ↑note …   English terms dictionary

  • note — [nōt] n. [OFr < L nota, a mark, sign, character, letter < notus, pp. of noscere, to know < gnoscere, to KNOW] 1. a mark of some quality, condition, or fact; distinguishing or characteristic feature, mood, tone, etc. [a note of sadness] 2 …   English World dictionary

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