
char·ter 1 n [Old French chartre letter, formal document, from Late Latin chartula, from Latin, diminutive of charta sheet of papyrus]
1 a: a grant or guarantee of rights, powers, or privileges from an authority or agency of a state or country
a state bank charter compare constitution
b: a written instrument that creates and defines the powers and privileges of a city, educational institution, or corporation compare articles of incorporation
2: a written instrument from the authorities of a society creating a lodge, branch, or chapter
3: a lease of a ship esp. for the delivery of cargo – called also charter party;
charter 2 vt
1: to establish, enable, or convey by charter
charter a bank
2: to lease or hire for usu. exclusive and temporary use
charter a ship

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (declaration of rights) noun announcement, constitution, decree, official announcement, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, public announcement, public statement, publication, writing associated concepts: amendment of a charter, amendment to a charter, articles of incorporation, charter of a foreign corporation, charter of a municipal corporation, charter of an association, corporate charter, county charter, municipal charter, partnership charter, reform a charter, repeal of a charter, special charter, state charter II (license) noun authority, certificate, certificate of permission, dispensation, express permission, grant, imprimatur, instrument, muniment, official document, patent, permit, written permission associated concepts: chartered bank, chartered by law, expiration of a charter, renewal of a charter III (sanction) noun acceptance, acknowledgment, acquiescence, admission, allowance, approval, assent, authority, authorization, concurrence, confirmation, consent, countenance, delegation, empowerment, endorsement, enfranchisement, entitlement, franchise, grant, leave, liberty, license, permission, permit, pragmatic sanction, privilege, ratification, recognition, sufferance, support, tolerance, toleration, vested right associated concepts: chartered by the law IV index allow (authorize), appoint, appointment (act of designating), authorize, bestow, brevet, bylaw, capacity (authority), certificate, certify (approve), code, confirm, constitute (establish), constitution, contract, countenance, deed, delegate, enactment, engage (hire), establish (launch), franchise (license), immunity, incorporate (form a corporation), instrument (document), invest (vest), law, lease, let (lease), license, ordinance, pact, pandect (code of laws), permit, prerogative, privilege, protocol (agreement), rent, sanction (permission), sanction, tolerance, treaty, warrant (authorization)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A document granted by the state permitting the creation of a corporation, city, or university and defining its rights and privileges. See also articles of incorporation
To hire an airplane, boat, or other such vehicle for private use.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) A document that establishes an organization, such as a governmental entity (for example, a city charter) or a company (for example, a corporation's Articles of Incorporation).
2) To hire or rent for temporary use, such as chartering a boat.
Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations → Business Name, Location & Licenses
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

Also known as the certificate of incorporation or charter.
A corporation is formed by filing a certificate of incorporation in the state where it desires to be domiciled. Some states only require that the certificate contains the name of the corporation, the nature of the business the corporation will engage in, name address of the registered agent and registered office, amount and type of stock which may be issued and the name(s) of the incorporators.
Specific filing requirements vary from state to state, so it is important to review the statutes governing business entities in the state where you choose to incorporate.
For further information, see Practice Note: Forming and Organizing a Corporation ( and Forming a Corporation Checklist (

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

1 A formal document by which a sovereign or a government grants rights, powers, and privileges to a person, business, or the people.
2 The highest law of any organization.
3 The lease or rental of an airplane, bus, ship, or similar mode of transportation.
@ corporate charter
1 A legislative act that establishes a corporation (including its purpose and basic governing structure) or defines a corporate franchise.
@ Great Charter

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A grant from the government of ownership rights in land to a person, a group of people, or an organization such as a corporation.
A basic document of law of a municipal corporation granted by the state, defining its rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of self-government.
A document embodying a grant of authority from the legislature or the authority itself, such as a corporate charter.
The leasing of a mode of transportation, such as a bus, ship, or plane. A charter-party is a contract formed to lease a ship to a merchant in order to facilitate the conveyance of goods.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A grant from the government of ownership rights in land to a person, a group of people, or an organization such as a corporation.
A basic document of law of a municipal corporation granted by the state, defining its rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of self-government.
A document embodying a grant of authority from the legislature or the authority itself, such as a corporate charter.
The leasing of a mode of transportation, such as a bus, ship, or plane. A charter-party is a contract formed to lease a ship to a merchant in order to facilitate the conveyance of goods.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the name for articles of incorporation in some states, as in a corporate charter.
   See also: corporation

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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