introductory offer — /ˌɪntrədʌkt(ə)ri ɒfə/ noun a special price offered on a new product to attract customers … Marketing dictionary in english
introductory offer — /ˌɪntrədʌkt(ə)ri ɒfə/ noun a special price offered on a new product to attract customers … Dictionary of banking and finance
introductory — in‧tro‧duc‧to‧ry [ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri◂] adjective [only before a noun] MARKETING introductory offer/price etc a special low price that is charged for a new product for a limited period of time: • It will normally sell for £12 but as an introductory… … Financial and business terms
introductory — in|tro|duc|to|ry [ˌıntrəˈdʌktəri] adj [only before noun] 1.) said or written at the beginning of a book, speech etc in order to explain what it is about introductory chapter/paragraph ▪ the objectives described in the introductory chapter ▪ as… … Dictionary of contemporary English
offer — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 of help or sth that is needed ADJECTIVE ▪ generous, kind ▪ conditional, unconditional (both esp. BrE) ▪ The company has made a conditional offer. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
offer — An expression indicating one s desire to sell a commodity at a given price; opposite of bid. Chicago Board of Trade glossary To show the desire to sell a futures contract at an established price. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Indicates a… … Financial and business terms
Offer — Indicates a willingness to sell at a given price. Related: bid * * * ▪ I. offer of‧fer 1 [ˈɒfə ǁ ˈɒːfər, ˈɑː ] verb [transitive] 1. to say that you are willing to give someone something, or to give them it: offer somebody something • The … Financial and business terms
introductory — [[t]ɪ̱ntrədʌ̱ktəri[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n An introductory remark, talk, or part of a book gives a small amount of general information about a particular subject, often before a more detailed explanation. introductory course in religion and… … English dictionary
introductory — in|tro|duc|to|ry [ ,ıntrə dʌkt(ə)ri ] adjective 1. ) providing basic information about a subject, course of study, etc.: Beginners will have two introductory classes. an introductory textbook on statistics an introductory chapter/paragraph/essay… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
introductory — adjective 1 introductory remarks/paragraph etc things that someone says or writes at the beginning of a book, speech etc in order to explain what it is about 2 introductory course/lesson etc a course, lesson etc that is intended for people who… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English