run tests on

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  • run tests on — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Run-Test — Der Run oder Runs Test (auch Wald Wolfowitz Test, nach Abraham Wald und Jacob Wolfowitz, Iterationstest oder Geary Test) ist ein nichtparametrischer Test auf Zufälligkeit einer Folge. Ausgegangen wird von einem Urnenmodell mit zwei Sorten Kugeln… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • run a test — (on sth) ► to perform a scientific examination to determine if something works, someone is healthy, etc.: »We ran performance tests on the preproduction machine, which performed well. »Doctors ran tests to try to determine if the workers health… …   Financial and business terms

  • run a test on sth — run a test (on sth) ► to perform a scientific examination to determine if something works, someone is healthy, etc.: »We ran performance tests on the preproduction machine, which performed well. »Doctors ran tests to try to determine if the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Run (I'm a Natural Disaster) — Single par Gnarls Barkley extrait de l’album The Odd Couple Sortie 31 juillet 2008 Durée 2:44 Genre Neo soul, Soul, Pop …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Run (Cricket) — Die Punkte einer Mannschaft im Cricket werden in Runs angegeben. Runs können, von seltenen Ausnahmen abgesehen, immer nur von der im laufenden Innings schlagenden Mannschaft erzielt werden. Von dieser, der sogenannten batting side, sind immer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • run — [[t]rʌ̱n[/t]] ♦ runs, running, ran (The form run is used in the present tense and is also the past participle of the verb.) 1) VERB When you run, you move more quickly than when you walk, for example because you are in a hurry to get somewhere,… …   English dictionary

  • run */*/*/ — I UK [rʌn] / US verb Word forms run : present tense I/you/we/they run he/she/it runs present participle running past tense ran UK [ræn] / US past participle run 1) [intransitive] to move quickly to a place using your legs and feet You ll have to… …   English dictionary

  • run — run1 [ rʌn ] (past tense ran [ ræn ] ; past participle run) verb *** ▸ 1 move quickly with legs ▸ 2 control/organize ▸ 3 machine: work ▸ 4 liquid: flow ▸ 5 try to be elected ▸ 6 vehicle: travel ▸ 7 be shown/performed ▸ 8 reach amount/rate ▸ 9… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • run — 1. verb 1) she ran across the road Syn: sprint, race, dart, rush, dash, hasten, hurry, scurry, scamper, bolt, fly, gallop, career, charge, shoot, hurtle, speed, zoom …   Thesaurus of popular words

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