
I adjective acerbus, acrimonious, aculeatus, biting, brutal, burning, cruel, cutting, damaging, envenomed, excoriating, harmful, harsh, hurtful, insulting, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, mordacious, mordax, rancorous, scatheful, searing, severe, sharp, spiteful, stinging, trenchant, unbenevolent, uncharitable, uncompromising, ungentle, unkind, venemous, virulent, vitriolic, withering II index bitter (penetrating), critical (faultfinding), harsh, incisive, mordacious, trenchant

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  • scathing — [skā′thiŋ] adj. [prp. of SCATHE] searing; withering; harsh or caustic [scathing remarks] scathingly adv …   English World dictionary

  • scathing — *caustic, mordant, acrid Antonyms: scorching, searing, burning (see BURN): *fierce, ferocious, truculent, savage: *incisive, biting, cutting, trenchant …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • scathing — [adj] nasty, critical in remarks belittling, biting, brutal, burning, caustic, cruel, cutting, harsh, mordacious, mordant, salty, sarcastic, scorching, scornful, searing, severe, sulphurous, trenchant, withering; concept 267 Ant. generous, kind,… …   New thesaurus

  • scathing — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ witheringly scornful; severely critical. DERIVATIVES scathingly adverb. ORIGIN from obsolete scathe harm, injure , from Old Norse …   English terms dictionary

  • scathing — scath|ing [ˈskeıðıŋ] adj [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: scathe to harm (12 20 centuries), from Old Norse skatha] a scathing remark criticizes someone or something very severely scathing attack/remark/comment etc ▪ a scathing attack on the Government s …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • scathing — scath|ing [ skeıðıŋ ] adjective criticizing someone or something in a very strong way: The committee s report is quite scathing. scathing attack/comment/remark: He launched another scathing attack against the press. ╾ scath|ing|ly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • scathing — [[t]ske͟ɪðɪŋ[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is being scathing about something, you mean that they are being very critical of it. The society has been particularly scathing about the planning record of West Somerset District Council... He …   English dictionary

  • scathing — adjective scathing remarks, comments etc criticize someone or something very severely: The newspapers were extremely scathing about him. | scathing criticism scathingly adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • scathing — UK [ˈskeɪðɪŋ] / US adjective criticizing someone or something in a very strong way The committee s report is quite scathing. scathing attack/comment/remark: He launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister. Derived word: scathingly adverb …   English dictionary

  • scathing — /ˈskeɪðɪŋ / (say skaydhing) adjective 1. intended to hurt the feelings; scornful; contemptuous, as a remark: *She s avoided a scathing no confidence motion –aap news, 2000. 2. highly critical: scathing of the motion. 3. that scathes or sears.… …  

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