
I adjective abusive, coarse, contumeliosus, disgusting, disrespectful, foul, gross, indecent, indelicate, insulting, lascivious, lewd, libidinous, licentious, low, mean, obscene, offensive, opprobrious, probrosus, ribald, risque, salacious, scabrous, scurrile, scurrilis, shameless, vile, vulgar II index blatant (obtrusive), calumnious, ignoble, lewd, libelous, malignant, salacious, scandalous

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Scurrilous — Scur ril*ous, a. [See Scurrile.] 1. Using the low and indecent language of the meaner sort of people, or such as only the license of buffoons can warrant; as, a scurrilous fellow. [1913 Webster] 2. Containing low indecency or abuse; mean; foul;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scurrilous — using such language as only the licence of a buffoon can warrant [Johnson], 1570s, from scurrile coarsely joking (c.1500, implied in scurrility), from L. scurrilis buffoonlike, from scurra fashionable city idler, later buffoon. According to Klein …   Etymology dictionary

  • scurrilous — *abusive, opprobrious, vituperative, contumelious Analogous words: ribald, obscene, gross, *coarse, vulgar: insulting, outraging, offending or offensive (see corresponding verbs at OFFEND): foul, filthy, *dirty …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • scurrilous — [adj] foul mouthed, vulgar abusive, coarse, contumelious, defamatory, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, indecent, infamous, insulting, invective, lewd, low, nasty, obscene, offending, offensive, opprobrious, outrageous, raunchy, ribald, salacious,… …   New thesaurus

  • scurrilous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ making scandalous claims about someone in order to damage their reputation. DERIVATIVES scurrility noun (pl. scurrilities) . ORIGIN Latin scurrilus, from scurra buffoon …   English terms dictionary

  • scurrilous — [skʉr′ə ləs] adj. [ SCURRIL(E) + OUS] 1. using indecent or abusive language; coarse; vulgar; foulmouthed 2. containing coarse vulgarisms or indecent abuse scurrilously adv. scurrilousness n …   English World dictionary

  • scurrilous — [[t]skʌ̱rɪləs, AM skɜ͟ːr [/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Scurrilous accusations or stories are untrue and unfair, and are likely to damage the reputation of the person that they relate to. Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.… …   English dictionary

  • scurrilous — adjective Date: 1576 1. a. using or given to coarse language b. vulgar and evil < scurrilous imposters who used a religious exterior to rob poor people Edwin Benson > 2. containing obscenities, abuse, or slander < scurrilous accusations > •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scurrilous — scurrilously, adv. scurrilousness, n. /skerr euh leuhs, skur /, adj. 1. grossly or obscenely abusive: a scurrilous attack on the mayor. 2. characterized by or using low buffoonery; coarsely jocular or derisive: a scurrilous jest. [1570 80;… …   Universalium

  • scurrilous — scur|ri|lous [ˈskʌrıləs US ˈskə:r ] adj formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: scurrilis, from scurra stupid person ] scurrilous remarks, articles etc contain damaging and untrue statements about someone ▪ a scurrilous attack on his integrity… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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