set back
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set back — {v.} 1. To cause to put off or get behind schedule; slow up; check. * /The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks./ 2. {informal} To cause to pay out or to lose (a sum of money); cost. * /His new car set him back over $3000./ … Dictionary of American idioms
set back — {v.} 1. To cause to put off or get behind schedule; slow up; check. * /The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks./ 2. {informal} To cause to pay out or to lose (a sum of money); cost. * /His new car set him back over $3000./ … Dictionary of American idioms
set back — phr verb Set back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑clock, ↑plan … Collocations dictionary
set-back — /set bak /, n. 1. Survey. the interval by which a chain or tape exceeds the length being measured. 2. setback (def. 4). [special use of SETBACK] * * * … Universalium
set back — verb a) To delay or obstruct. I expect it will set us back by a day or so, but I think a side trip will be worthwhile. b) To remove from or allow distance. Set it back from the road by twenty or thirty feet … Wiktionary
set back — Synonyms and related words: arrest, backpedal, backwater, bog down, bottle up, brake, bridle, check, clip the wings, constrain, contain, control, cool, cool off, countercheck, curb, curtail, dam up, damp, dampen, decelerate, delay, dent, depress … Moby Thesaurus
set back — transitive verb Date: 1600 1. to slow the progress of ; hinder, delay 2. cost < a new suit will set you back $200 > … New Collegiate Dictionary
set back on one's heels — or[knock back on one s heels] {v. phr.}, {informal} To give an unpleasant surprise; upset suddenly; stop or turn back (someone s) progress. * /Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn t as good a player … Dictionary of American idioms
set back on one's heels — or[knock back on one s heels] {v. phr.}, {informal} To give an unpleasant surprise; upset suddenly; stop or turn back (someone s) progress. * /Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn t as good a player … Dictionary of American idioms
Single set back — (also known as the Lone Setback or Ace formation or Oneback or Solo ) is an offensive base formation in American Football which requires only one running back lined up about five yards behind the quarterback. There are many variations on single… … Wikipedia