Local Development Document
- Local Development Document
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local development document — (LDD) The collective term for development plan documents, (which form part of the development plan), and supplementary planning documents (which do not form part of the development plan) and the … Law dictionary
Local Development Orders — were introduced with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and allow Local Authorities to extend Permitted Development rights for certain forms of development with regard to a relevant Local Development Document … Wikipedia
Local Development Documents — are a set of documents specified in United Kingdom planning law which a Local Planning Authority creates to describe their strategy for development and use of land in their area of authority.Established as part of the Planning and Compulsory… … Wikipedia
Local Development Frameworks — A Local Development Framework is the spatial planning strategy introduced in England and Wales by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and given detail in Planning Policy Statements 12. In most parts of the two countries, maintaining the … Wikipedia
Development control in the United Kingdom — Development control, planning control, or (in Scotland) development management is the element of the United Kingdom s system of town and country planning through which local government regulates land use and new building. It relies on a plan led… … Wikipedia
Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or … Wikipedia
development plan — A document which sets out the local planning authority s policies and proposals for development and the use of land within that local authority s area. It includes the old style unitary development plans, structure plan and local plans prepared… … Law dictionary
development plan document — (development plan documents | DPDs) local development documents that have development plan status. Once DPDs have been adopted by the local authority, development control decisions must be made in accordance with them unless material… … Law dictionary
Development plan document — A local development framework must include development plan documents (DPDs), which outline the key development goals of the local development framework. Development plan documents taken together are broadly equivalent to the old style local… … Wikipedia
Development Plan Document — A Local Development Framework must include Development Plan Documents (DPDs) which outline the key development goals of the Local Development Framework. Development plan documents taken together are broadly equitable to the old style Local… … Wikipedia