
I verb abhor, abstain, avoid, back away, boycott, bypass, circumvent, cold-shoulder, defugere, deliberately avoid, disregard, dodge, draw back, elude, escape, eschew, evade, give a wide berth to, have no part of, have nothing to do with, hide from, ignore, keep away from, keep clear of, keep one's distance, leave, let alone, malinger, neglect, rebuff, recoil from, refrain, shirk, shrink from, shy away from, snub, spurn, stay away from, steer clear of, turn aside, turn away from, vitare, ward off II index avoid (evade), default, disapprove (reject), disavow, discriminate (treat differently), disdain, elude, eschew, forgo, forswear, leave (allow to remain), neglect, refrain, refuse, reject, repulse, shirk, spurn, stave

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  • shun — O.E. scunian to shun, desist, to hide, of uncertain origin; not found in any other language. Perhaps ultimately from PIE root *skeu to cover, to hide. Related: Shunned; shunning …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Shun —   [ʃun], einer der chinesischen Urkaiser des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (China, Geschichte) …   Universal-Lexikon

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