solicit earnestly

solicit earnestly
index importune

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • solicit — so·lic·it /sə li sət/ vt 1: to make petition to solicit the court 2: to ask, induce, advise, or command (a person) to do something and esp. to commit a crime compare coerce, importune …   Law dictionary

  • solicit — [sə lis′it] vt. [ME soliciten < MFr solliciter < L sollicitare < sollicitus: see SOLICITOUS] 1. to ask or seek earnestly or pleadingly; appeal to or for [to solicit aid, to solicit members for donations] 2. to tempt or entice (someone)… …   English World dictionary

  • solicit — v. a. 1. Ask (earnestly), request (urgently), entreat, beg, pray, implore, crave, importune, beseech, supplicate, petition, conjure, press, urge, appeal to. 2. Invite, summon, awake to action, excite, awaken, arouse. 3. Disturb, disquiet, make… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • solicit — To appeal for something; to apply to for obtaining something; to ask earnestly; to ask for the purpose of receiving; to endeavor to obtain by asking or pleading; to entreat, implore, or importune; to make petition to; to plead for; to try to… …   Black's law dictionary

  • solicit — v. (solicited, soliciting) 1 tr. & (foll. by for) intr. ask repeatedly or earnestly for or seek or invite (business etc.). 2 tr. (often foll. by for) make a request or petition to (a person). 3 tr. accost (a person) and offer one s services as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ask earnestly — index canvass, pray, press (beseech), solicit Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • importune — im·por·tune /ˌim pȯr tün, tyün; im pȯr ˌtyün, chən/ vb tuned, tun·ing vt: to press or urge with troublesome persistence who solicits, requests, commands, importune s or intentionally aids another person to engage in conduct which constitutes an …   Law dictionary

  • urge — [ʉrj] vt. urged, urging [L urgere, to press hard: see WREAK] 1. a) to press upon the attention; present or speak of earnestly and repeatedly; plead, allege, or advocate strongly [to urge caution] b) to entreat or plead with; ask, persuade, or… …   English World dictionary

  • importune — v. a. Press (by entreaty), urge (by repeated requests), beset, entreat, dun, solicit earnestly …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • beg — I. v. a. 1. Crave, solicit, beseech, pray, implore, supplicate, conjure, importune, petition, request, ask, pray for, petition for, seek by petition, sue for, ask earnestly. 2. Crave permission, solicit leave, desire earnestly, take leave, take… …   New dictionary of synonyms

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