
index forensic, juridical

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • forensic — fo·ren·sic /fə ren sik, zik/ adj [Latin forensis public, forensic, from forum forum] 1: belonging to, used in, or suitable to the courts or to public discussion and debate 2: relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge (as …   Law dictionary

  • juridical — ju·rid·i·cal /ju̇ ri di kəl/ adj [Latin juridicus, from jur jus law + dicere to say] 1: of or relating to the administration of justice or the office of a judge raises a juridical question regarding trial 2: of or relating to law or jurisprudence …   Law dictionary

  • LAWYERS — Introduction Although Jews were noted advocates at Brighegua near Toledo, Spain, as early as 1436, and though converted Jews were prominent lawyers in South America in the 17th century, Jews were generally prevented from practicing law in most of …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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