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Living free radical polymerization — is a type of living polymerization where the active polymer chain end is a free radical. Several methods exist. IUPAC recommends[1] to use the term reversible deactivation radical polymerization instead of living free radical polymerization .… … Wikipedia
Living Streets — is a British registered charity and voluntary organisation, founded in 1929. They work to bring our streets to life, with more walking in people friendly public spaces .Its claimed aims are to seek: *the provision of safe, convenient ways for… … Wikipedia
living — livingly, adv. livingness, n. /liv ing/, adj. 1. having life; being alive; not dead: living persons. 2. in actual existence or use; extant: living languages. 3. active or thriving; vigorous; strong: a living faith. 4. burning or glowing, as a… … Universalium
For Better or For Worse characters — The characters in Lynn Johnston s cartoon strip For Better or For Worse have extensive back stories. The birthdates of the characters as shown below are the characters birthdates in current continuity, as shown on the strip s… … Wikipedia
Suitable (Suitability) — A situation (and sometimes a legal requirement) that an investment strategy meets the objectives and means of an investor. In most parts of the world financial professionals have a duty to take steps that ensure that an investment is suitable for … Investment dictionary
for — [[t]fə(r), STRONG fɔː(r)[/t]] ♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, for is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information, and in phrasal verbs such as account for and make up for . It is also used with… … English dictionary
for */*/*/ — strong UK [fɔː(r)] / US [fɔr] weak UK [fə(r)] / US [fər] preposition, conjunction Summary: For can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I bought some flowers for Chloe. ♦ Wait there for a while. as a conjunction… … English dictionary
living — liv•ing [[t]ˈlɪv ɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) having life; being alive 2) in actual existence or use; extant: living languages[/ex] 3) active or thriving; vigorous; strong: a living faith[/ex] 4) pertaining to or suitable for human activity or existence:… … From formal English to slang
Living Room Music — is a musical composition by John Cage, composed in 1940. It is a quartet for unspecified instruments, all of which may be found in a living room of a typical house, hence the title (Pritchett, 1993, 20). Living Room Music is dedicated to Cage s… … Wikipedia
Eye for an Eye (TV series) — Eye for an Eye is a television program that has run in syndication since 2003.The program is a variation on popular thirty minute courtroom reality shows. Eye For an Eye is presided over by Judge Extreme Akim Anastopoulo, with bailiff and former… … Wikipedia