suspension of consciousness

suspension of consciousness
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  • Consciousness — • In its widest sense it includes all sensations, thoughts, feelings, and volitions, in fact the sum total of mental life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Consciousness     Consciousness …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Suspension trauma — Suspension trauma, also known as harness hang syndrome (HHS), is an effect which occurs when the human body is held upright without any movement for a period of time. If the person is strapped into a harness or tied to an upright object they will …   Wikipedia

  • Black Consciousness Movement — The Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) was a grassroots anti Apartheid activist movement that emerged in South Africa in the mid 1960s out of the political vacuum created by the decimation of the African National Congress and Pan Africanist… …   Wikipedia

  • Black Consciousness Movement — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Movimiento de Conciencia Negra (BCM) es un movimiento político económico de activistas anti Apartheid, aparecido en Sudáfrica a mitad de la década de 1960 para cubrir el vacío político creado por el castigo a los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • sleep — sleepful, adj. sleeplike, adj. /sleep/, v., slept, sleeping, n. v.i. 1. to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake. 2. Bot. to… …   Universalium

  • Death — For other uses, see Death (disambiguation) and Dead (disambiguation). Dying redirects here. For the process of coloring, see Dyeing. For other uses, see Near death (disambiguation). The human skull, widely considered a symbol of death Death is… …   Wikipedia

  • syncope — Loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished cerebral blood flow. [G. synkope, a cutting short, a swoon] Adams Stokes s. s. due to complete AV block. SYN: Morgagni Adams Stokes s.. cardiac s. fainting with unconsciousness of any …   Medical dictionary

  • sleep — [n] suspension of consciousness bedtime, catnap, coma, dormancy, doze, dream, dullness, few z’s*, forty winks*, hibernation, lethargy, nap, nod, repose, rest, sack time*, sandman*, shuteye*, siesta, slumber, slumberland*, snooze, torpidity,… …   New thesaurus

  • Sleep — The body’s rest cycle. Sleep is triggered by a complex group of hormones that are active in the main, and that respond to cues from the body itself and the environment. About 80 percent of sleep is dreamless, and is known as non rapid eye… …   Medical dictionary

  • insensibility — n. 1. Torpor, lethargy, dulness, want of sensibility. 2. Apathy, indifference, insusceptibility. 3. Dulness, stupidity. 4. Unconsciousness, suspension of consciousness, loss of sensibility, suspension of feeling …   New dictionary of synonyms

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