take feloniously

take feloniously
index embezzle, hold up (rob), purloin

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • take by stealth — To steal; feloniously to take and carry away the personal goods of another; to take without right, secretly, and without leave or consent of the owner …   Black's law dictionary

  • hold up — vt: to make the victim of a holdup: rob at gunpoint Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. hold up I …   Law dictionary

  • purloin — pur·loin /pər lȯin, pər ˌlȯin/ vt: steal Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. purloin …   Law dictionary

  • embezzle — em·bez·zle /im be zəl/ vt em·bez·zled, em·bez·zling [Anglo French embeseiller to make away with, from en , prefix stressing completion + beseller to snatch, misappropriate, from Old French, to destroy]: to convert (property entrusted to one s… …   Law dictionary

  • steal — I. v. a. 1. Purloin, pilfer, filch, poach, peculate, embezzle, swindle, make off with, come unlawfully by. 2. Allure, win, gain, draw over. 3. Convey secretly. 4. Take secretly, accomplish secretly. II. v. n. 1. Pilfer, purloin, thieve, practise… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Littleton Waller — Infobox Military Person name= Littleton Waller Tazewell Waller born= birth date|1856|9|26 died= death date and age|1926|7|13|1856|9|26 placeofbirth= York County, Virginia placeofdeath= Philadelphia, Pennsylvania placeofburial=Arlington National… …   Wikipedia

  • Waller's march across Samar — Waller s March across the island of Samar was an attempt made in 1901 by U.S. Marine forces to traverse the Phillippine island from Lanang to Basey, a distance of some 35 miles, purportedly for the purpose of finding a suitable telegraph cable… …   Wikipedia

  • March across Samar — The march across Samar, or Waller s March across the island of Samar, was an attempt made in 1901 by U.S. Marine forces to traverse the Philippine island from Lanang to Basey, a distance of some 35 miles, purportedly for the purpose of finding a… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital punishment in New Hampshire — Capital punishment in the U.S. state of New Hampshire is a legal form of punishment for the crime of capital murder. Capital murder is the only crime for which the death penalty can be imposed in the state. Since 1734, twenty four people have… …   Wikipedia

  • Friedrich Accum — (1769−1838). Erstmalig in der Zeitschrift European Magazine aus dem Jahr 1820 abgedruckter Stich von James Thomson. Friedrich Christian Accum (* 29. März 1769 in Bückeburg; † 28. Juni 1838 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Chemiker, dessen Hau …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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