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take for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms take for : present tense I/you/we/they take for he/she/it takes for present participle taking for past tense took for past participle taken for take someone/something for someone/something to believe something … English dictionary
take for — Synonyms and related words: account as, assume, be afraid, believe, conceive, conclude, consider, daresay, deduce, deem, divine, dream, esteem, estimate, expect, fancy, feel, gather, grant, guess, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression,… … Moby Thesaurus
take for — phr verb Take for is used with these nouns as the object: ↑fool, ↑walk … Collocations dictionary
take for granted — If you take something for granted, you don t worry or think about it because you assume you will always have it. If you take someone for granted, you don t show your appreciation to them … The small dictionary of idiomes
take for a test drive — If you take something for a test driver, you try something to see if you like it … The small dictionary of idiomes
take for granted — index assume (suppose), guess, postulate, presume, presuppose, suspect (think), trust … Law dictionary
take for oneself — index impropriate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take for public use — index condemn (seize) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take for granted — Synonyms and related words: accept, accept for gospel, accept implicitly, allegorize, allude to, anticipate, assume, be afraid, be caught napping, be certain, be neglectful, be negligent, believe, believe without reservation, bring to mind, buy,… … Moby Thesaurus
take for — {v.} To suppose to be; mistake for. * /Do you take me for a fool?/ * /At first sight you would take him for a football player, not a poet./ … Dictionary of American idioms