task undertaken

task undertaken
index undertaking (attempt)

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  • task — [task, täsk] n. [ME taske < NormFr tasque (OFr tasche) < ML tasca, for taxa, a tax < L taxare, to rate, value, TAX] 1. a piece of work assigned to or demanded of a person 2. any piece of work 3. an undertaking involving labor or… …   English World dictionary

  • Task loading — in Scuba diving is a term used to refer to a multiplicity of responsibilities leading to an increased risk failure on the part of the diver to undertake some key basic function which would normally be routine for safety underwater. [cite journal… …   Wikipedia

  • task — task, duty, assignment, job, stint, chore are comparable when they mean a piece of work which one is asked to do and is expected to accomplish. Task refers to a specific piece of work or service usually imposed by authority or circumstance but… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • task — task1 W1S2 [ta:sk US tæsk] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old North French; Origin: tasque, from Medieval Latin tasca tax or service to be done for a ruler , from taxare to tax ] 1.) a piece of work that must be done, especially one that is difficult or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • task — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. work, stint, job, labor; lesson, assignment, charge, duty, chore; drudgery, burden. v. t. strain, tax, overburden, overwork; impose, assign, charge. See exertion, commission, command, business. II… …   English dictionary for students

  • task — n. & v. n. a piece of work to be done or undertaken. v.tr. 1 make great demands on (a person s powers etc.). 2 assign a task to. Phrases and idioms: take to task rebuke, scold. task force (or group) 1 Mil. an armed force organized for a special… …   Useful english dictionary

  • undertaken — un·der take || ‚ʌndÉ™(r) teɪk v. take on, receive responsibility for a task; guarantee, pledge …   English contemporary dictionary

  • historiography — historiographic /hi stawr ee euh graf ik, stohr /, historiographical, adj. historiographically, adv. /hi stawr ee og reuh fee, stohr /, n., pl. historiographies. 1. the body of literature dealing with historical matters; histories collectively. 2 …   Universalium

  • Battle of Morotai — Coordinates: 2°19′0″N 128°32′0″E / 2.316667°N 128.533333°E / 2.316667; 128.533333 …   Wikipedia

  • precatory language — Words in a will or a trust used by the testator (the person making the will) or settlor (the person making a trust) to express a wish or desire to have his or her property disposed of in a certain way or to have some other task undertaken, which… …   Law dictionary

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