tending to excite lustful desires
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obscene — ob·scene /äb sēn/ adj [Middle French, from Latin obscenus obscaenus indecent, lewd]: extremely or deeply offensive according to contemporary community standards of morality or decency see also roth v. united states in the important cases section… … Law dictionary
lascivious — [lə siv′ē əs] adj. [ME lascyuyous < ML lasciviosus < LL < L lascivia, wantonness < lascivus: see LUST] 1. characterized by or expressing lust or lewdness; wanton 2. tending to excite lustful desires lasciviously adv. lasciviousness n … English World dictionary
prurient — [proor′ē ənt] adj. [L pruriens < prurire, to itch, long for, be lecherous < IE base * preus , to burn, FREEZE > L pruna, live coal] 1. having or expressing lustful ideas or desires 2. tending to excite lust; lascivious; lewd 3. Rare… … English World dictionary