testification under oath
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affidavit — af·fi·da·vit /ˌa fə dā vət/ n [Medieval Latin, he/she has pledged faith, third singular perfect of affidare see affiant]: a sworn statement in writing made esp. under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrate or officer compare… … Law dictionary
deposition — de·po·si·tion /ˌde pə zi shən/ n [Late Latin depositio testimony, from Latin, act of depositing, from deponere to put down, deposit] 1 a: a statement that is made under oath by a party or witness (as an expert) in response to oral examination or… … Law dictionary
testify — [tes′tə fī΄] vi. testified, testifying [ME testifien < L testificari < testis, a witness (prob. < * tri sto , standing as a third < tri ,TRI + base of stare,STAND) + facere, to make, DO1] 1. to make a serious declaration to… … English World dictionary