through and through
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Through and through — describes a situation where an object, real or imaginary, passes completely through another object, also real or imaginary. The phrase has several common uses:PrintmakingAn image may be through and through in the following cases: *ink or paint… … Wikipedia
Through the Looking Glass (Angel) — Through the Looking Glass Angel episode Episode no. Season 2 Episode 21 Directed by Tim Minear Written … Wikipedia
through and through — {adv.} Completely; entirely; whole heartedly. * /Bob was a ball player through and through./ * /Mary was hurt through and through by Betty s remarks./ Compare: OUT AND OUT … Dictionary of American idioms
through and through — {adv.} Completely; entirely; whole heartedly. * /Bob was a ball player through and through./ * /Mary was hurt through and through by Betty s remarks./ Compare: OUT AND OUT … Dictionary of American idioms
Through-composed — music is relatively continuous, non sectional, and/or non repetitive. A song is said to be through composed if it has different music for each stanza of the lyrics. This is in contrast to strophic form, in which each stanza is set to the same… … Wikipedia
through thick and thin — {adv. phr.} Through all difficulties and troubles; through good times and bad times. * /The friends were faithful through thick and thin./ * /George stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education./ … Dictionary of American idioms
through thick and thin — {adv. phr.} Through all difficulties and troubles; through good times and bad times. * /The friends were faithful through thick and thin./ * /George stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education./ … Dictionary of American idioms
through the mill — {adv. phr.} 1. Experienced. * /You could tell immediately that the new employee had been through the mill./ 2. Through real experience of the difficulties of a certain way of life. * /Poor Jerry has had three operations in one year, and now he s… … Dictionary of American idioms
through the mill — {adv. phr.} 1. Experienced. * /You could tell immediately that the new employee had been through the mill./ 2. Through real experience of the difficulties of a certain way of life. * /Poor Jerry has had three operations in one year, and now he s… … Dictionary of American idioms
Through-hole technology — Through hole technology, also spelled thru hole , refers to the mounting scheme used for Pin through hole (PTH) electronic components that involves the use of pins on the components that are inserted into holes drilled in printed circuit boards… … Wikipedia
through hell and high water — See: HELL AND HIGH WATER … Dictionary of American idioms