throw aside

throw aside
index forgo, reject

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • throw aside — ˌthrow a ˈside [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they throw aside he/she/it throws aside present participle throwing aside past tense threw aside …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw aside — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms throw aside : present tense I/you/we/they throw aside he/she/it throws aside present participle throwing aside past tense threw aside past participle thrown aside to refuse to accept or continue something All… …   English dictionary

  • throw aside — PHRASAL VERB If you throw aside a way of life, a principle, or an idea, you abandon it or reject it. [V P n (not pron)] Detectives threw aside professional training and caution, and looked for a different explanation... [V n P] Exceptional… …   English dictionary

  • throw — [[t]θro͟ʊ[/t]] ♦♦ throws, throwing, threw, thrown 1) VERB When you throw an object that you are holding, you move your hand or arm quickly and let go of the object, so that it moves through the air. [V n prep/adv] He spent hours throwing a tennis …   English dictionary

  • throw — I UK [θrəʊ] / US [θroʊ] verb Word forms throw : present tense I/you/we/they throw he/she/it throws present participle throwing past tense threw UK [θruː] / US [θru] past participle thrown UK [θrəʊn] / US [θroʊn] *** 1) [intransitive/transitive]… …   English dictionary

  • Throw — Throw, v. t. [imp. {Threw} (thr[udd]); p. p. {Thrown} (thr[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Throwing}.] [OE. [thorn]rowen, [thorn]rawen, to throw, to twist, AS. [thorn]r[=a]wan to twist, to whirl; akin to D. draaijen, G. drehen, OHG. dr[=a]jan, L. terebra …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw — throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss, sling can all mean to cause to move swiftly forward, sideways, upward, or downward by a propulsive movement (as of the arm) or by means of a propelling instrument or agency. Throw, the general word, is often …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • throw something aside — ˌthrow sthaˈside derived to reject sth such as an attitude, a way of life, etc. Main entry: ↑throwderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw out — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abjure, abrupt, addle, alienate, ball up, befuddle, bewilder, blow out, boot out, bounce, bring out, brush aside, cashier, cast, cast aside, cast away, cast forth, cast off, cast out, chase, chime in, chuck,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • throw away — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abjure, blow, blunder away, boot out, bounce, brush aside, cashier, cast, cast aside, cast away, cast off, cast out, chuck, chuck out, consume, contemn, contradict, declaim, decline, deep six, defenestrate,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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