ticket of leave

ticket of leave
index permit

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  • Ticket of leave — Ticket Tick et, n. [F. [ e]tiquette a label, ticket, fr. OF. estiquette, or OF. etiquet, estiquet; both of Teutonic origin, and akin to E. stick. See {Stick}, n. & v., and cf. {Etiquette}, {Tick} credit.] A small piece of paper, cardboard, or the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ticket of leave — A ticket of leave was a document of parole issued to convicts, since 1853, transported from the United Kingdom who had served a period of probation, and had shown by their good behaviour that they could be allowed certain freedoms. Once granted a …   Wikipedia

  • ticket of leave — pl. tickets of leave. Brit. (formerly) a permit allowing a convict to leave prison, under certain restrictions, and go to work before having served a full term, somewhat similar to a certificate of parole. Also, ticket of leave. [1725 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • ticket of leave — pl. tickets of leave. Brit. (formerly) a permit allowing a convict to leave prison, under certain restrictions, and go to work before having served a full term, somewhat similar to a certificate of parole. Also, ticket of leave. [1725 35] …   Useful english dictionary

  • ticket of leave — Australian History –noun 1. a document which entitled a convict to freedom of occupation and lodging within a given district of a colony until the original sentence expired, or a pardon was obtained. –adjective 2. possessing or entitled to such a …  

  • ticket-of-leave man — [tik΄it əv lēv′] n. Brit. a convicted person whose sentence had not expired, set conditionally at liberty by issuance of a revocable permit (ticket of leave) * * * …   Universalium

  • ticket-of-leave man — [tik΄it əv lēv′] n. Brit. a convicted person whose sentence had not expired, set conditionally at liberty by issuance of a revocable permit (ticket of leave) …   English World dictionary

  • ticket-of-leave man — noun • • • Main Entry: ↑ticket …   Useful english dictionary

  • ticket of leave man — noun Australian History a male convict holding a ticket of leave: *So few working men came that, even in the convict period, men who were technically prisoners – ticket of leave men as well as expirees – were often able, if they were good workmen …  

  • ticket-of-leave man — A convict who has obtained a ticket of leave …   Black's law dictionary

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