permanent health insurance
- permanent health insurance
A contractual benefit offered to employees that provides them with income if they become permanently disabled and unable to work in the capacity in which they were previously employed.
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permanent health insurance — noun A type of insurance that provides an income in cases of prolonged absence from work because of illness or disability (abbrev PHI) • • • Main Entry: ↑permanent … Useful english dictionary
permanent health insurance — PHI A form of health insurance that provides an income (maximum 75% of salary) up to normal retirement age (or pension age) to replace an income lost by prolonged illness or disability in which the insured is unable to perform any part of his or… … Big dictionary of business and management
Permanent life insurance — is a form of life insurance such as whole life or endowment, where the policy is for the life of the insured, the payout is assured at the end of the policy (assuming the policy is kept current) and the policy accrues cash value. This is compared … Wikipedia
Health insurance — is insurance against the risk of incurring medical expenses among individuals. By estimating the overall risk of health care expenses among a targeted group, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll … Wikipedia
National health insurance — (sometimes called statutory health insurance) is health insurance that insures a national population for the costs of health care and usually is instituted as a program of healthcare reform. It is enforced by law. It may be administered by the… … Wikipedia
National Health Insurance (Japan) — National Health Insurance (国民健康保険, Kokumin Kenkō Hoken?) is one of the two major types of insurance programs available in Japan. The other is Employees Health Insurance (健康保険, Kenkō Hoken … Wikipedia
Ontario Health Insurance Plan — The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (in French: Assurance santé de l Ontario, and commonly known in both languages by the acronym OHIP, pronounced oh hip ) is the government run health insurance plan for the Canadian province of Ontario. OHIP is… … Wikipedia
Public health insurance option — The public health insurance option is a proposed government run health insurance agency which competes with other health insurance companies. It is not the same as Publicly funded health care. Called the public insurance option or public option,… … Wikipedia
Insurance Premium Tax (UK) — Insurance premium tax (IPT) is a tax paid by some insurance companies and insurance brokers that sell taxable insurance [Insurance premium tax, Business Link, [ itemId=1074407748] ] … Wikipedia
Permanent employment — Permanent employees or regular employees work for a single employer and are paid directly by that employer. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions … Wikipedia