triers of fact

triers of fact
index jury, panel (jurors)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Jury — A jury a sworn body of persons convened to render a rational, impartial verdict (a finding of fact on a question) officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment. A trial in which a jury decides the verdict is known as a… …   Wikipedia

  • jury — ju·ry / ju̇r ē/ n pl ju·ries [Anglo French juree, from feminine past participle of Old French jurer to swear, from Latin jurare, from jur jus law]: a body of individuals sworn to give a decision on some matter submitted to them; esp: a body of… …   Law dictionary

  • burden — Capacity for carrying cargo. Something that is carried. Something oppressive or worrisome. A burden, as on interstate commerce, means anything that imposes either a restrictive or onerous load upon such commerce @ burden of going forward The onus …   Black's law dictionary

  • burden — Capacity for carrying cargo. Something that is carried. Something oppressive or worrisome. A burden, as on interstate commerce, means anything that imposes either a restrictive or onerous load upon such commerce @ burden of going forward The onus …   Black's law dictionary

  • Legal culture — Legal cultures are described as being temporary outcomes of interactions and occur pursuant to a challenge and response paradigm. Analyses of core legal paradigms shape the characteristics of individual and distinctive legal cultures.“Comparative …   Wikipedia

  • Robert Pickton — Background information Also known as The Pig Farmer Killer Born October 24, 1949 (1949 10 24) (age 62)[1] Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Conviction …   Wikipedia

  • Jury (England and Wales) — In the legal jurisdiction of England and Wales, there is a long tradition of jury trial that has evolved over centuries.HistoryThe English jury has its roots in two institutions that date from before the Norman conquest in 1066. The inquest, as a …   Wikipedia

  • Mozambique rule — British South Africa Co v Companhia de Moçambique Court House of Lords Date decided 8th September 1893 Citation(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Administrative law judge — An administrative law judge (ALJ) in the United States is an official who presides at an administrative trial type hearing to resolve a dispute between a government agency and someone affected by a decision of that agency. The ALJ is the initial… …   Wikipedia

  • fair preponderance of evidence — Evidence sufficient to create in the minds of the triers of fact the conviction that the party upon whom is the burden has established its case. The greater and weightier evidence; the more convincing evidence. Belmont Hotel v. New Jersey Title… …   Black's law dictionary

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