probationary period

probationary period
A specified time during which an employer may assess the skills and suitability of a new hire and may choose to terminate the employee if he or she is deemed not suitable.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

probationary period
1) Probationary period. A "trial" period at the start of an employment relationship during which the employee is assessed by an employer and following which time they are notified as to whether their appointment will be made permanent. The scope and terms of any probation period are governed by an individual's contract of employment, but it will typically last three or six months and may involve either formal or informal assessments. Employees may not be entitled to all of the contractual benefits during the probationary period, in particular membership of any pension scheme. Probationary periods do not affect an employee's statutory rights.
2) A fixed period at the start of employment during which the employee is assessed by the employer. Probationary periods typically last between three to six months and can involve either formal or informal assessments.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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