
I adjective aberrant, abnormal, amazing, anomalous, astonishing, bizarre, curious, different, eccentric, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary, foreign, freakish, green, inexperienced, insolitus, insuetus, inusitate, irregular, naive, new, novel, odd, out of the ordinary, outlandish, peculiar, queer, rare, raw, remarkable, singular, strange, surprising, unacquainted, uncommon, unconventional, unconversant, uncustomary, unfamiliar, unhabituated, uninitiated, uninured, unique, unnatural, unordinary, unpracticed, unseasoned, unskilled, untrained, untried, unusual, unversed II index extraordinary, inexperienced, nonconforming, peculiar (curious), prodigious (amazing), special, unacquainted, uncommon, unusual

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  • Unaccustomed — Un ac*cus tomed, a. 1. Not used; not habituated; unfamiliar; unused; which to. [1913 Webster] Chastened as a bullock unaccustomed to yoke. Jer. xxxi. 18. [1913 Webster] 2. Not usual; uncommon; strange; new. [1913 Webster] What unaccustomed cause… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unaccustomed — [un΄əkus′təmd] adj. 1. not accustomed or habituated; not used (to) [unaccustomed to such kindness] 2. not usual; strange [an unaccustomed action] …   English World dictionary

  • unaccustomed — [adj1] not prepared, ready; new ignorant, incompetent, inexperienced, newcome, not given to*, not used to, novice, too green*, unacquainted, unfamiliar with, uninformed, uninstructed, unpracticed, unseasoned, unskilled, untaught, untrained,… …   New thesaurus

  • unaccustomed — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not customary; unusual. 2) (unaccustomed to) not familiar with or used to. DERIVATIVES unaccustomedly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • unaccustomed — (adj.) 1520s, not customary, unfamiliar, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of ACCUSTOM (Cf. accustom). Meaning not accustomed or habituated (to) is first attested 1610s …   Etymology dictionary

  • unaccustomed — [[t]ʌ̱nəkʌ̱stəmd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ to n/ ing If you are unaccustomed to something, you do not know it very well or have not experienced it very often. [WRITTEN] They were unaccustomed to such military setbacks... It is a part of… …   English dictionary

  • unaccustomed — adj. (cannot stand alone) unaccustomed to (unaccustomed to public speaking) * * * [ˌʌnə kʌstəmd] (cannot stand alone) unaccustomed to (unaccustomed to public speaking) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unaccustomed — adjective formal 1 unaccustomed to not used to something: a country boy, unaccustomed to city ways 2 (only before noun) not usual, typical, or familiar: unaccustomed physical exertion 3 unaccustomed as I am (to) spoken formal used before saying… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • unaccustomed — un|ac|cus|tomed [ˌʌnəˈkʌstəmd] adj formal 1.) unaccustomed to (doing) sth not used to something ▪ a country boy, unaccustomed to city ways 2.) [only before noun] not usual, typical, or familiar ▪ She was completely exhausted by the unaccustomed… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unaccustomed — un|ac|cus|tomed [ ,ʌnə kʌstəmd ] adjective unusual: The unaccustomed heat had left her feeling exhausted. unaccustomed to something not used to something or not in the habit of doing something: These people are unaccustomed to having to do their… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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