Collateral descendant — A collateral descendant is a relative descended from a brother or sister of an ancestor, and thus a niece, nephew, or cousin.[1] Compare with lineal descendant. References ^ Law Dictionary … Wikipedia
Descendant — or Descendent may refer to: Lineal descendant, a blood relative in the direct line of descent Collateral descendant, a relative descended from a brother or sister of an ancestor Descendant (astrology), the point directly opposite from the… … Wikipedia
collatéral — collatéral, ale, aux [ kɔ(l)lateral, o ] adj. • colatéralXIVe; lat. médiév. collateralis, de latus, lateris « côté » 1 ♦ Qui est latéral par rapport à qqch. Anat. Artère collatérale, qui se détache d un tronc principal et chemine parallèlement à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
collateral — col·lat·er·al 1 /kə la tə rəl, la trəl/ adj 1 a: accompanying as a secondary fact, activity, or agency but subordinate to a main consideration b: not directly relevant or material a collateral evidentiary matter a collateral issue 2: belonging to … Law dictionary
descendant or descendent — Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants . Bassett v.… … Black's law dictionary
descendant — or descendent Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants … Black's law dictionary
descendant or descendent — Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants . Bassett v.… … Black's law dictionary
descendant — or descendent Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants … Black's law dictionary
Collatéral — Définition de Collatéral Les collatéraux sont les parents d un individu qui ne font pas partie des personnes appartenant à la ligne directe : les frères et soeurs, les oncles et tantes et leurs descendants, cousins et cousines. Textes … Lexique de Termes Juridiques
lineal descendant — index child Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 lineal descendant n. A person who … Law dictionary