
index perverse, reluctant, restive

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  • uncomplaisant — adj.; uncomplaisantly, adv. * * * …   Universalium

  • uncomplaisant — a. Uncivil, disagreeable …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • uncomplaisant — adj.; uncomplaisantly, adv …   Useful english dictionary

  • Discourtesy — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Discourtesy >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 discourtesy discourtesy Sgm: N 1 ill breeding ill breeding Sgm: N 1 ill manners ill manners bad manners ungainly manners Sgm: N 1 insuavity insuavity Sgm: N 1 uncourteousness …   English dictionary for students

  • inaffable — I adjective bad natured, bad tempered, bellicose, belligerent, cantankerous, contrary, difficult, discourteous, disrespectful, fractious, impolite, intractable, obstreperous, offensive, perverse, petulant, pugnacious, rude, touchy, troublesome,… …   Law dictionary

  • perverse — I adjective bad, bad natured, bad tempered, base, bellicose, belligerent, boorish, bumptious, cantankerous, captious, churlish, contemptible, contrary, contumacious, contumelious, corrupt, corrupted, crabbed, cranky, cross, crusty, debauched,… …   Law dictionary

  • reluctant — I adjective adverse, averse, avoiding, begrudging, diffident, discontented, disinclined, dissenting, dissentious, evasive, grudging, hesitant, hesitating, hesitative, inacquiescent, indisposed, involuntary, irreconcilable, not disposed, not… …   Law dictionary

  • restive — I adjective averse, balking, balky, cantankerous, contumacious, crossgrained, crotchety, deaf to reason, demurring, difficult, discontented, disinclined, disobedient, exceptious, excitable, excited, fidgety, fractious, fretful, grumpy, headstrong …   Law dictionary

  • deaf to — Synonyms and related words: a stranger to, asleep, blind to, caught napping, dead to, declinatory, disobedient, impercipient, in ignorance of, incognizant, insensible, insensible to, lost to, mindless, napping, negative, nonconceiving,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • discourteous — Synonyms and related words: abrupt, aweless, boorish, brusque, curt, derisive, disparaging, disrespectful, ill bred, ill mannered, impertinent, impolite, impudent, inaffable, insolent, irreverent, misbehaved, ridiculing, rude, short,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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