purchased goodwill

purchased goodwill
On an acquisition of a business, the difference between the value of the assets acquired and the price paid (if positive). Certain countries (for example, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy) give tax relief for the amortisation of purchased goodwill.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • purchased goodwill — Goodwill acquired when an entity is purchased as opposed to that which has been internally generated. Positive goodwill arises where the purchase cost exceeds the aggregate fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities. More details are… …   Accounting dictionary

  • purchased goodwill — Goodwill acquired when a business is purchased as opposed to that which has been internally generated …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • goodwill — good·will / gu̇d ˌwil/ n 1: an intangible asset that is made up of the favor or prestige which a business has acquired beyond the mere value of what it sells due to the personality or experience of those conducting it, their reputation for skill… …   Law dictionary

  • non-purchased goodwill — See: inherent goodwill …   Accounting dictionary

  • goodwill — An intangible asset reflecting a business s customer connections, reputation, and similar factors. It can be valued as the difference between the value of the separable net assets of a business and the total value of the business. Purchased… …   Accounting dictionary

  • goodwill — An intangible asset reflecting a business s customer connections, reputation, and similar factors. It can be valued as the difference between the value of the separable net assets of a business and the total value of the business. Purchased… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Goodwill (accounting) — Goodwill is an accounting term used to reflect the portion of the book value of a business entity not directly attributable to its assets and liabilities; it normally arises only in case of an acquisition. It reflects the ability of the entity to …   Wikipedia

  • Goodwill Industries — Founder(s) Edgar Helms Founded 1902 Location Rockville, Maryland, United States …   Wikipedia

  • goodwill — the excess price asked for the sale of a business over the value of its physical assets; an intangible asset, the price of which represents a payment for the existing client base and future profits. Glossary of Business Terms Excess of purchase… …   Financial and business terms

  • Goodwill — An account that can be found in the assets portion of a company s balance sheet. Goodwill can often arise when one company is purchased by another company. In an acquisition, the amount paid for the company over book value usually accounts for… …   Investment dictionary

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