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notorious — Unfavorably known to many persons. The open and general recognition of an illegitimate child by the father. 10 Am J2d Bast § 52. A notorious character means a general character, and evidence of general character is admissible under an indictment… … Ballentine's law dictionary
famous — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. noted, famed, renowned, celebrated, well known. See repute. Ant., unknown. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. renowned, celebrated, well known, noted, notorious, distinguished, eminent, illustrious, famed … English dictionary for students
Tzvi Ashkenazi — Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi (1656, Moravia (most likely, Velké Meziříčí[citation needed]) May 2, 1718, Lviv) (Hebrew … Wikipedia
notorious — no·to·ri·ous /nō tōr ē əs/ adj: generally known and talked of adverse possession created by open, continuous, notorious, and adverse use Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. notorious … Law dictionary
Japanese hardcore — punk, also generally unfavorably known as Japcore, refers to the fast paced Japanese punk/hardcore genre. The original intent of Japanese hardcore was to protest the social and economic changes sweeping Japan in the 1980s. G.I.S.M. and The Stalin … Wikipedia
notorious — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin notorius, from Late Latin notorium information, indictment, from Latin noscere to come to know more at know Date: 1534 generally known and talked of; especially widely and unfavorably known Synonyms: see famous … New Collegiate Dictionary
notorious — notoriously, adv. notoriousness, n. /noh tawr ee euhs, tohr , neuh /, adj. 1. widely and unfavorably known: a notorious gambler. 2. publicly or generally known, as for a particular trait: a newspaper that is notorious for its sensationalism.… … Universalium
notorious — no•to•ri•ous [[t]noʊˈtɔr i əs, ˈtoʊr , nə [/t]] adj. 1) widely and unfavorably known: a notorious thief[/ex] 2) publicly or generally known: a notorious scandal[/ex] • Etymology: 1540–50; < ML nōtōrius evident = L nō(scere) to get to know (see … From formal English to slang
common — [käm′ən] adj. [ME commun < OFr comun < L communis (OL comoinis), shared by all or many < IE * kom moini , common (< * kom,COM + * moini , achievement < base * mei , to exchange, barter) > OE gemæne, public, general, Ger gemein:… … English World dictionary
famous — [fā′məs] adj. [ME < L famosus < fama: see FAME] 1. much talked about; having fame, or celebrity; renowned 2. Informal excellent; very good; first rate 3. Archaic notorious SYN. FAMOUS is applied to persons or things that have received wide… … English World dictionary