unforeseen contingency
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contingency — con·tin·gen·cy /kən tin jən sē/ n pl cies 1: the quality or state of being contingent 2: a contingent event or condition: as a: an event that may but is not certain to occur a contingency that made performance under the contract impossible b … Law dictionary
contingency — n. 1) to provide for every contingency 2) a contingency arises 3) an unforeseen contingency * * * [kən tɪndʒ(ə)nsɪ] a contingency arises an unforeseen contingency to provide for every contingency … Combinatory dictionary
contingency — [kən tin′jən sē] n. pl. contingencies [see CONTINGENCE] 1. the quality or condition of being contingent; esp., dependence on chance or uncertain conditions 2. something whose occurrence depends on chance or uncertain conditions; a possible,… … English World dictionary
unforeseen occurrence — index accident (chance occurrence), contingency, emergency, happenstance, quirk (accident), surprise … Law dictionary
contingency fund — contingency reserve or fund In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary
contingency reserve — or fund In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary
contingency reserve or fund — In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary
contingency fund — contingency reserve or fund In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary
contingency reserve — or fund In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary
contingency reserve or fund — In accounting, a reserve set up to cover possible or potential losses; e.g. possible judgment against company. A fund created in anticipation of incidental or unforeseen expenditures … Black's law dictionary