unite for a common purpose

unite for a common purpose
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  • unite — ► VERB 1) come or bring together for a common purpose or to form a whole. 2) archaic join in marriage. DERIVATIVES united adjective unitive adjective. ORIGIN Latin unire join together , from unus one …   English terms dictionary

  • unite — v. 1 tr. & intr. join together; make or become one; combine. 2 tr. & intr. join together for a common purpose or action (united in their struggle against injustice). 3 tr. & intr. join in marriage. 4 tr. possess (qualities, features, etc.) in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • unite — verb come or bring together for a common purpose or to form a whole. ↘archaic join in marriage. Derivatives united adjective unitedly adverb unitive adjective Origin ME: from L. unit , unire join together , from unus one …   English new terms dictionary

  • Annan Plan for Cyprus — The Annan Plan was a United Nations proposal to resolve the Cyprus dispute, reuniting the breakaway Northern Cyprus with the Republic of Cyprus. The proposal was to restructure Cyprus as the United Cyprus Republic , which would be a federation of …   Wikipedia

  • club — [klub] n. [ME clubbe < ON klubba, cudgel < IE * geleb(h) < base * gel , form a ball > CLIMB, CALF1] 1. a) a heavy stick, usually thinner at one end, used as a weapon b) anything used to threaten or coerce 2 …   English World dictionary

  • combine — combiner, n. v. /keuhm buyn / for 1, 2, 6, /kom buyn/ for 3, 7; n. /kom buyn, keuhm buyn / for 8, 9, /kom buyn/ for 10, v., combined, combining, n. v.t. 1. to bring into or join in a close union or whole; unite: She combined the ingredients to… …   Universalium

  • combine — com•bine v. [[t]kəmˈbaɪn[/t]] for 1, 2, 6, [[t]ˈkɒm baɪn[/t]] for 3, 7; n. [[t]ˈkɒm baɪn[/t]] v. bined, bin•ing, n. 1) to bring into or join in a close union or whole; unite: to combine the ingredients for a cake[/ex] 2) to possess or exhibit in… …   From formal English to slang

  • band — I. noun Etymology: in senses 1 & 2, from Middle English band, bond something that constricts, from Old Norse band; akin to Old English bindan to bind; in other senses, from Middle English bande strip, from Middle French, from Vulgar Latin *binda …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Friends World Committee for Consultation — Friend World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is a Quaker organization that works to communicate between all parts of Quakerism. FWCC s world headquarters is based in London [ [http://www.fwccworld.org/ FWCC World office homepage] ] . It has… …   Wikipedia

  • World In Common — The World in Common (WiC) project was formed in November 2002 as an effort by various participants in the libertarian left to overcome the sectarian divisions that have historically prevented any attempts toward common understanding or potential… …   Wikipedia

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