
I adjective affiliated, allied, amalgamated, associated, attached, banded together, blended, bonded, cemented, coadunate, coexistent, coherent, cohesive, collective, combined, compatible, composite, compound, concerted, concordant, concurrent, conglomerate, conjoint, conjunctive, connected, consolidated, coupled, fused, harmonious, incorporated, indivisible, infrangible, inseparable, interrelated, joined, joint, linked, merged, mutual, one, solid, undivided associated concepts: unitary trial, unity of interest, unity of possession, unity of title II index affiliated, associated, attached (annexed), coadunate, coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking), collective, composite, compound, concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), conglomerate, conjoint, conjugal, consensual, federal, harmonious, indivisible, infrangible, inseparable, interrelated, joint, mutual (collective), nuptial, solid (compact)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • United — can refer to:CountriesUnited is used in a countries name, when any number of states or regions are combines to make a united Country. Countries with united in their name include:* United States of America (USA/ U.S./ United States) * United… …   Wikipedia

  • United — podría referirse a: Contenido 1 Lugares 2 Música 3 Deporte 4 Otros Lugares United (Pensilvania), área no incorpo …   Wikipedia Español

  • United-TI — is a programming group for Texas Instruments graphing calculators. It has a forum that discusses programming in general the TI calculator community, computer advice, and anything else of interest ( Open Topic ). There is a browser based Java… …   Wikipedia

  • United! — was a British television series produced by the BBC between 1965 and 1967, and screened twice weekly on BBC1.The series followed the fortunes of a fictional second division football team, Brentwich United. The football scenes were filmed on the… …   Wikipedia

  • United — steht für: United Airlines, US amerikanische Fluggesellschaft United (Album), Musikalbum der DSDS Finalisten 2003 UNITED for Intercultural Action, das größte europäische Netzwerk gegen Nationalismus, Rassismus, Faschismus und für die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • United — U*nit ed, a. Combined; joined; made one. [1913 Webster] {United Brethren}. (Eccl.) See {Moravian}, n. {United flowers} (Bot.), flowers which have the stamens and pistils in the same flower. {The United Kingdom}, Great Britain and Ireland; so… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • United 93 — Título Vuelo 93 (Argentina / Venezuela) Ficha técnica Dirección Paul Greengrass Producción Tim Bevan Eric Fellner Paul Greengrass Lloyd Levin …   Wikipedia Español

  • united — [adj] combined; in agreement affiliated, agreed, allied, amalgamated, assembled, associated, banded, coadunate, cognate, collective, concerted, concordant, confederated, congruent, conjoint, conjugate, conjunctive, consolidated, cooperative,… …   New thesaurus

  • united — [yo͞o nīt′id] adj. 1. combined; joined; made one 2. of or resulting from joint action or association 3. in agreement or harmony unitedly adv …   English World dictionary

  • united — unitedly, adv. unitedness, n. /yooh nuy tid/, adj. 1. made into or caused to act as a single entity: a united front. 2. formed or produced by the uniting of things or persons: a united effort. 3. agreed; in harmony. [1545 55; UNITE1 + ED2] * * *… …   Universalium

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